Park Place Lodge
Kerri Wall Clarifies Misconceptions

In response to public comments and questions, Kerri Wall, BC Green Party candidate for Kootenay-Rockies, clarifies misconceptions surrounding the party’s policies and priorities.

“While speaking with voters, I’ve encountered a common misconception that the BC Greens are solely focused on environmental issues. That’s simply not true,” said Wall. She pointed to the six key platform areas the BC Green Party has introduced since September 3rd. “One of these areas is education, where we’ve proposed a universal food program, expanded mental health support, and increased technology access for K-12 students. Beyond education, our platform addresses critical issues such as transportation, healthcare, local water stewardship, affordable housing, and clean energy. We are a full-spectrum party, deeply engaged with the same broad issues that all major parties are addressing—along with concerns that others have either overlooked or dismissed.”

Wall underscored the importance of these key platform priorities for her community, stating, “As a resident of this beautiful but vulnerable region and someone with a career in healthcare, I’m excited by the forward-thinking policies of the BC Greens. The wildfires in ʔaq’am and Sparwood last year, coupled with Cranbrook’s severe drought, demonstrate the urgent risks we face in Kootenay-Rockies due to climate change. My work addressing the social determinants of health emphasizes that clean air, drinkable water, and biodiversity are just the foundation—true wellness also depends on secure housing, fair wages, and strong government services like healthcare and education.”

Wall noted that some voters are surprised to learn about the depth and breadth of BC Green Party policies. “People are genuinely interested when I explain the extensive legislative work our party does year-round—not just during elections. BC Greens’ MLAs are consistently introducing thoughtful solutions, collaborating with others, and moving issues forward. Many residents have told me they’re relieved to know that some politicians prioritize people over partisan bickering.”

An employee of Interior Health since 2010, and proud BC General Employees’ Union member, Wall serves as a Healthy Communities Facilitator working with municipalities and community groups throughout the Kootenays. Her role focuses on integrating health perspectives into policy and planning, including housing strategies, poverty reduction plans, and climate action initiatives. “The BC Green Party is a natural extension of my passion for serving communities,” said Wall. “We are much more than an environmental party—we are addressing healthcare access, the needs of young adults, renters, and people facing mental health challenges. With the rising cost of living, more and more people are feeling the strain, and the BC Greens offer pragmatic, collaborative solutions to these critical issues.”

For more information, visit Kerri Wall | BC Green Party

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