1) Development Variance Permit – Authorize Issuance
After fulfilling the mandatory notice requirements and providing an opportunity for input from the public, Council approved the issuance of Development Variance Permit No. 197 – 1042-5th Avenue to legalize the siting of the existing principal building and the addition of a proposed porch and steps to the building.
2) Sewer Treatment Plant Loan Authorization Bylaw
No. 2072, 2008
Council approved the elector response form to conduct an alternative approval process that will seek responses from citizens on the borrowing of an amount not to exceed $1,300,000 for improvement work to be done as part of the Fernie Sewage Treatment Plant Expansion. Council also set the deadline for receipt of elector responses as Monday, September 8, 2008 and established 3432 as the number of electors of the City of Fernie for the alternative approval process. Notice of the alternative approval process opportunity will be placed in the July 30 and August 6, 2008 editions of the Fernie Free Press.
3) Northwest Water Reservoir Loan Authorization Bylaw
No. 2073, 2008
Council approved the elector response form to conduct an alternative approval process that will seek responses from citizens on the borrowing of an amount not to exceed $3,000,000 for the construction of the Northwest Water Reservoir. Council also set the deadline for receipt of elector responses as Monday, September 8, 2008 and established 3432 as the number of electors of the City of Fernie for the alternative approval process. Notice of the alternative approval process opportunity will be placed in the July 30 and August 6, 2008 editions of the Fernie Free Press.
Elector Response forms for both alternative approval processes are available at City Hall
4) Special Occasion Liquor Licences were approved and issued to the following:
➢ Fernie Lions Club to hold their Annual Demolition Derby and Beer Garden at the Fernie Wranglers Rodeo Grounds as well, a request for use of bleachers and the City Water Truck for control of dust.
Demo-Derby will be held Sunday, August 31, 2008.
➢ TransRockies Challenge 2008
This is an international celebration of cycling to be held on Saturday, August 16, 2008. The event proposes to use City of Fernie property as part of the race and associated events as well as for the purpose of serving alcoholic beverages.
This was approved subject to the applicant providing proof of host liquor liability insurance to the City of Fernie
➢ Fernie Mixed Slo-Pitch League to operate a Beer Garden in the Lions Pavilion in Prentice Park on August 9th and 10th for the Annual Fernie Mixed Slo-Pitch Tournament.
This was approved subject to the applicant providing proof of host liquor liability insurance to the City of Fernie.
5) Appointment of Alternate Municipal Director to the Boards of the RDEK, EK Regional Hospital District and KE Regional Hospital District for the months of July and August.
Council appointed Councillor McSkimming to act as the Alternate Municipal Director to attend the Board Meetings to be held Thursday, July 31 and Friday August 1, 2008.
6) Kodiak Lounge Liquor Primary Licence Application
Council scheduled a Special Meeting to be held on Monday, August 11, 2008 at 6:00 pm to hold a hearing on the Kodiak Lounge Ltd. Liquor Primary License Application. Following the hearing Council will pass a detailed resolution with regards to the application for submission to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch.
7) Fernie Chamber of Commerce – Resort Revenue Sharing Fund / Evening Shuttle Funding
The Fernie Chamber of Commerce is planning in advance for the upcoming winter season with regards to the Evening Shuttle and is looking for written confirmation on the total amount of funding designated for the Shuttle Service from the Resort Revenue Sharing Fund.
Council directed staff to forward the July 18 letter to the next Council or Committee meeting where the Resort Municipality Tax Transfer Program and a resort development strategy for Fernie and area will be considered.
8) SmartGrowth BC
Council authorized the expenditure of a $250 dollar donation to Smart GrowthBC to become a ‘2008 Municipal Friend’. SmartGrowth is an organization that works with local and regional
governments and groups to create livable communities across British Columbia. They are dedicated to promoting smart growth principles with land use, planning and development.
9) Official Community Plan Implementation Committee
Recommendations to Council
Representatives from the OCPIC were in attendance to present recommendations from the Committee for Council to consider with regards to Economic Development, a Communication Strategy, Housing and an Official Community Plan Review.
Council received the document and gave direction that the recommendations be forwarded to staff for their review and further, to request that a report be brought back for Council’s consideration regarding these recommendations.
10) Bylaw No. 2032, cited as the Election Procedure and Regulations Bylaw No. 2032 was adopted. The Bylaw establishes the procedures and regulations for the conduct of general local elections and other voting in the City of Fernie. For more information on local elections and other voting contact Mr. Larry Randle, Director of Corporate Administration Services at the City of Fernie.
11) Canada Post Corporation Strategic Review
Council agreed to send a letter to the Canada Post Corporation insisting that the government hold public hearings and properly consult with the true owners of Canada Post – the public on the Strategic Review underway with regards to postal service. Copies of the letter will also be sent MP Jim Abbott, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers and Fernie Post Office.

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