Recently Byron Sarabun retired from his job at the City of Fernie after nearly 37 years of employment.

Byron head shot Byron Speaking CAke cutting Dan, Byron & Mary Group Handshake

Byron was born in Williams Lake in June of 1960. He is the fourth of six children born to Oldrich and Charlotte Sarabun.

Byron said his dad worked in construction so for several years the family moved to wherever Oldrich found work. In 1967 the family moved to Fernie and liked it so much that they chose to settle here permanently.

As a kid Byron said he was responsible for doing chores such as gathering firewood and doing dishes or whatever needed doing around the house. He loved sports and played soccer, rugby and baseball. Summers he spent working as a seasonal student for the City of Fernie so it was an easy decision that after graduation from Fernie Secondary School on a Friday, Monday he began working as a full time employee for the City.

At the beginning he started as a labour and recalls building the change rooms and washrooms at Prentice Park alongside foreman Mike Scarpelli. That was the first project he says, for a long time he also worked with Peter Aiello on the waste water field. He also recalls tearing down the old fire hall with Larry Sedrovic. That was a nice building he says, and comments on the old City Hall that was also a very attractive building mentioning that when the RCMP vacated the lower section it became the office for the Public Works Superintendent. He was also on the job when the Nappanee apartments burned down in 1982.

So many changes”, he muses, “sometimes change happens and you don’t even noticed it because you are so busy. Thirty-six and half years have passed by so quickly, what I enjoy the most is helping the people with their goals, life is wide open, who knows what’s ahead. Enjoy life, enjoy doing stuff.”

For the past years Byron has been an exemplary employee with the City and since September 2012 has been the Operations Supervisor for Public Works.

Byron was well liked by residents and co-workers, known as someone who listened and did his best to find solutions to problems.

These days retirement means finding other things to occupy his time including spending more time with wife Sue and children Romni, Keira, Kayla and Bryce and his grandchildren.

Congratulations Byron, wishing you the Best of Luck in the future. Thank you for the many years of dedicated service to the City of Fernie.

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