Park Place Lodge
Indigenous People's Day - Canada US Border Walk

Support Indigenous People’s Day by joining the Yaq?it ?a·knuq?i ‘it – Tobacco Plains Indian Band to honour the Jay Treaty and recognize the homelands of the Ktunaxa.

The Border walk is part of reconciliation and awareness that the border divided the Ktunaxa People – whose land stretches across Southeastern BC and Northern Montana and Idaho, and as far as Alberta and Washington – and showcases that the border doesn’t define the Ktunaxa.

Members of the Ktunaxa bands, along with Sister tribes from the States, will attend and walk together across the Roosville Border Crossing, approx 45 minutes south of Fernie on Hwy #93. Visitors are welcome to join the walk.

Participants should arrive at the Border at 9:30 am, with the walk departing at 10am. The event has grown over the past 10 years, and a large attendance is expected.

After the walk, there will be events at the Yaq?it ?a·knuq?i ‘it – Tobacco Plains Indian Band Administration building at 5500 Village Loop Road in Grasmere, including:
• Lunch
• Live music from George Canyon
• Dance Demonstrations
• Live Pow Wow drum
• Traditional games

This is a great event to celebrate, show solidarity, and learn about the people who have called this place home for generations. Donations will be accepted.

Read more about the Yaq?it ?a·knuq?i ‘it – Tobacco Plains Indian Band, and the Ktunaxa Homelands.

June 21 was chosen as National Indigenous Peoples Day in cooperation with national Indigenous organizations and the Government of Canada. The date was specifically selected because many Indigenous peoples celebrate their culture and heritage on or near this day. The day is also significant because it’s the summer solstice (the longest day of the year).

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