The Fernie Flyers Cycling Society is excited to announce the Flyer Cross cycling series. The event is free and is targeting kids’, 10 and older, and families. The objective is to grow family cycling and foster young racers that emerge from the program. Sunday is the final event and we’re hosting a pot luck immediately following. Please RSVP at flyers@fernie.com
The ride will last 30 minutes on the 1 km loop and will be fun–everyone will be a winner! No timing or lap counting will be provided by the organizers. Riders can choose to participate in any number of events and ride as many laps as desired during the 30 minutes.
When: Sept 7 to Oct 12th – Sundays at 11am – 6 events
What: 30 minutes on a 1km loop – Show up at 10:30
Who: kids’ 10 yrs plus and adults
Cost: FREE, parents need to sign kids’ waiver
Where: At the Fernie Aquatic Center