Park Place Lodge
Beers & Queers Goes to Yoga


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Essential Yoga Studio
761 7 Ave, Fernie

Event Type

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Join the Fernie Pride Society for a chill evening of fun, friendship, laughter, and yoga.

This is a yoga session for every body, every level, to come as you are and be present in yourself. Please wear comfortable clothing that you can move in, and a bottle of water. This session is free; they just ask that you RSVP either by indicating that you are ‘going’, or by sending a private facebook message so they can provide enough room and instruction for everyone.

Beers & Queers is a monthly social event for the LGBTQ2 community hosted by the Fernie Pride Society. This event is proudly sponsored by the East Kootenay Community Credit Union.

Everyone is welcome.

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