Adventure Weekend for Dirt Riders

Join the Elk Valley Adventure and Dirt Riders Society for the second annual adventure weekend for dirt riders on amazing local trails and meeting other adv/dual sport riders.

Staging out of Fernie and hosted by EVADRS, this weekend features two days of group riding through stunning scenery and terrain. There will be routes to meet all levels and flexibility for full or half days.

• Friday Night: Meet & Greet with food, drinks & live music at a local historical downtown location in Fernie. Waivers will be signed at this time.
• Saturday and Sunday: Touring selected GPS routes. Ride with your own group or join up with a group and a ride leader. Rides are between 4 – 6 hours, approximately 250km. There will be NO FUEL points so carry extra fuel if necessary. Come prepared with tools, lunch, water, suitable mountain clothing.
• Saturday Evening: BBQ & Social at Fernie Fox Hotel with raffle prizes hosted by EVADRS.
• Optional Sunday rides for those staying an extra day.

Membership $35 (attendees must be members)

Event Registration $120 (includes a Great Escape t-shirt & buff)

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