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  • in reply to: Share House Introductions!!! Meet your Perfect Match!!! #12891
    sam lucas

    So… I suppose I had better start this ball rolling!!

    My Girlfriend, Bonnie, and I will be heading out from Toronto, sometime between Mid November and January, depending on Jobs/Housing! And staying until around June/July.

    We are both 26, Bon is Canadian, I am an Aussie. We are pretty relaxed, tidy (well, Bonnie is….!), funluvin ppl, and we’re keen to ride as much as is humanly possible! We’ve spent the last 2 years travelling the world, and haven’t found anyone we don’t get along with (except those Dutch tools we met in Nepal, but that’s another story!! :wink: ), so would be eager to hook up with anyone!

    We are not too fussy about what we need, Probably no pets. I am a smoker, but not indoors (Passive smoking… blah, blah!!)!! And are just looking for a few peeps to share a winter of mad riding action!

    Look forward to hearing from y’all soon.

    Sam and Bon.

    in reply to: Idiots guide to Fernie Housing!!! :?: #12886
    sam lucas

    Cheers, That’s great!!

    But for those who couldn’t find it… here’s the long term rental list…

    [color=red:pv7m2pu7]Fernie Real Estate Long Term Rentals[/color:pv7m2pu7][/url:pv7m2pu7]

    thanks!!!! :D

    in reply to: Used toothpicks by the gross #12887
    sam lucas

    How about a partial trade for my collection of used band-aids… Some still smell like wet flesh!!

    I’ll also throw an old sock I found under my bed…. :roll:

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