Who steals ONE ski!!!!!!!!!!!?????????

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    • #8869

      Last night I had my truck parked on 5th Ave (near City Hall) and someone broke in…
      After finding nothing worth stealing they took ONE of my Nordica skis and probably threw it around town somewhere….. this means the end of my ski season as I cant afford new gear.
      The ski a 2007 Nordica Conquer,rental binding, colour blue/green.
      If you find it please contact me – 250 423 1494 Reward offered.
      Thanks, Julia

    • #16805

      I know how you feel. Christmas eve/early Christmas morning someone stole an extension ladder from our yard. I hope you find your ski.

      People these days….

    • #16806

      Idiots really, who else would? Put the other ski out as bait, then settle the riddle of the one ski thief. Throw some posters up around town and at some of the ski shops, print off a picture of the ski and leave it with the ski shops. I suspect it is sitting in some snow bank waiting for you to find it. Keep your eyes peeled and good luck.

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