Who Needs Sidewalks

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    • #5686

      Has anyone noticed that there is a large amount of people that come to Fernie and completly lose their common sense? The highway through town has a street on either side of it, one is mostly parking lots and the other has a sidewalk. Now I’m not sure, perhaps things are different in other countrys, but walking down the middle of a highway lane sounds quite inconsiderate and obviously quite dangerous to me. This is bad enough during the day, nevermind at night when its snowing. This is not only a problem on the highway, but on all of our streets in town. I was driving up 7th st. and a group of guys were walking down it 8 people wide. I honked to let them know I was coming up behind them and they just looked at me and kept walking. Were they trying to prove something? Maybe they think that because they have chosen the freeloader lifestyle that they should own the road, wether they have a car or not. Why can’t we all just get along?

    • #13890

      Don’t worry, it’s not just in Fernie.

      Having grown up in a seaside holiday town, it is obvious that a significant minority of ‘grockles’ leave all common sense at home. And the wider the sidewalk, the more people who will walk abreast…. Be thankful that at least you don’t get (often) the stereotypical fat lobster-red, beered-up Brits wandering around with their shirts off. *shudder* (the sort of people that give us all a bad name)

      Anyone wonder why I like winter…

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