What Has Fernie Become?
- This topic has 23 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 19 years ago by
February 4, 2006 at 3:47 pm #6129
ParticipantI haven’t been back to Fernie for over a year now…. and quite happy about it. I like to remember Fernie for the good old days with friends, hockey games, and the golf course. Fernie has lost touch with its small town mentality and it seems that the ol’ mighty dollar is trying to change Fernie into a Whistler or a Banff…
It is sad to see Fernie fall in so many ways…. Fernie should always be that small awesome town, where you can do any past time you want in any season.
The Golf Course disgusts me the most in Fernie… All that land was given from Timbec for recreational use, and now one greedy man collects the majority of the profit from the [b:3qhvhhwj]Fernie(Alberta)Golf and Country Club[/b:3qhvhhwj]. They have ruined the junior program and further more ruined there chances as progressing in the future years. ([i:3qhvhhwj]hint: Junior Members are your future Members)[/i:3qhvhhwj]
I think we should make the golf course a winter recreation, since more people from Fernie use the land in the winter for cross country skiing or taking a nice walk… or get this, how about a enormous dog park for ponds for the dogs to swim in and bunkers where they can do their business. Admit it, the Fernie Golf Club is a huge dive… and the town of Fernie is not profiting from it… Fernie has the slowest greens, bad drainage, and very poor layout design. The only thing that keeps that course from going under is a great maintanance crew, its too bad all the profit money is tied up in someone’s pocket…. Does anybody wanna play Monopoly? I really hope the members of FGCC will take back their golf course and give it back to the people of Fernie instead of it being a business for one person. -
February 4, 2006 at 10:50 pm #14550
ParticipantThe thing I find sadest about your post is that you don’t have the guts to post your name and clearly you don’t really know about their finances because you are completely off base.
February 4, 2006 at 11:47 pm #14551
ParticipantDid you take into consideration the Fernie locals that work at the FGCC, year after year? Or how about the fact that turning the golf course into a dog park would likely cost the city money?
Fernie is still an awesome place, regardless of your negative attitude.
February 5, 2006 at 12:25 am #14552
ParticipantGlad you havn’t been back to Fernie, you just sound angry and bitter about something that probably has more to it than just the golf course.
February 5, 2006 at 2:23 am #14553
ParticipantI was a member at Fernie Golf and Country Club for more than 10 years, I saw many ups and downs, I spent most of my time as a junior member, and a very dedicated employee.
Erica, If you actually spent most of your time at the FGCC between 1994-2004 you would probably know who I am, I have no idea who you are, do you look after the finances? If you do why don’t you send me a copy? I’m disappointed at the fact that there is no longer a junior program because of a certain few people…. I believe in a program to help teach kids the game, rules, and ettiquette. I was taught the game at a very young age and I’m very sad that kids in Fernie will not be able to have the same enjoyable time at the FGCC that I had.jw- Sarcasm about the dog park…. and Fernie WAS an awesome little town, that needs to be reminded of its roots. FGCC was my home and I’m sad to see the steady decline because of greed.
Seasons Greetings- I’m very upset, and you would be to that the minute you leave Fernie, everything that you strived and worked hard over the years goes down the drain because of greed and selfishness. Many others have worked hard over the years, and they are also sad about the junior program…….
February 5, 2006 at 2:42 am #14554
ParticipantI do not do their finances, I do not golf.. I have worked there, I know a lot of members aged 6-60. My parents are big with the course so I happen to know some things that arent public knowledge and don’t need to become public knowledge. Maybe I do know who you are but that doesn’t excuse the fact that you are to cowardly to even sign your name to something you clearly feel so strongly about.
As for juniors, I too was taught the game at a very young age, in a town that didn’t have the population to support programs yet somehow my parents managed with us. I know lots of people whos kids go out on Thursday evenings when time is booked off for juniors and I know that certain pro’s offer deals on lessons.
February 5, 2006 at 3:07 am #14555
ParticipantTime shouldn’t be booked off for Juniors…. Juniors just like all other members should be able to play anytime, that is how you become better. Why are you even commenting if you don’t even golf…. and Every detail of the finances should be public because it is a public golf course, it is not owned by one person, it is member owned… and if you have heard so- called (non-public) private confidental information from your parents who are probably on the executive, they should not be trusted because they have leaked information that is PRIVATE to yourself,… I guess there may be more problems down at the ol’ putting green.
February 5, 2006 at 4:25 am #14556
ParticipantI honestly don’t know wha crawled up your ass but booking off time for juniors is the same as booking it off for Ladies day, Mens night and for the seniors. They can play whenever they want just like everyone else and they can get together with other juniors at a time that is reserved especially for them. So if you think that is wrong do you think they should get rid of men’s night?
I also may not golf but I have the right to comment and have an opinion. And yes the things I know about their finances are probably known by a lot of people on the exec., lets keep in mind that I did work there.
So honestly, what IS your problem?
You make a name just to bitch about the golf course and you don’t even live in Fernie? Still haven’t said who you are, obviously I would know if you said. And if you have such a problem with Albertans coming to golf.. clearly you are a true local of fernie, does the ski hill bother you too?
February 5, 2006 at 4:46 am #14557
ParticipantFernie [b:3dgozhtn]IS[/b:3dgozhtn] an awesome little town. It has not [b:3dgozhtn]BECOME[/b:3dgozhtn] anything. Like everyplace around the world, Fernie is evolving and changing with the times.
If you want Fernie to stay like it was in the 50’s then you’ve got your head in the clouds, it just isn’t possible. We’ve got McDonalds, drive-thru banks, late night grocery stores, a nightclub, 4+half star resort facilities, more spas that you can count and a soon-to-be Canadian Tire (even I’m not happy about that one) but where do you draw the line? Progress is progress, and it’s all driven by cash, this is North America, not Tibet.
I am not saying that there shouldn’t be preservation of something if it was a good thing, it definately sounds like the Junior program at the golf club was a good thing that went bad. But please don’t trash our entire town and population, just because you are wound up about one little thing, that only affects less than one tenth of the people living here. There are a lot of little things in Fernie that could be better, but it is still a fantastic place to be and most of those things really don’t figure in the bigger picture.
And please don’t reply that your point was about the golf club, because you opened your post with some pretty barbed comments about Fernie as a town and community, and you have used a login of “what has Fernie become” – pretty damn negative if you ask me. You made a point about Flyingecko not being a golfer but making comments about the Golf Club, but you havn’t even visited Fernie in a year and yet you have comments about the town? Please keep to the point and don’t attack a town that a lot of people who live here still love, when you don’t even come here any more.
February 5, 2006 at 5:36 am #14558
ParticipantErica how long did you work there for??? One season? two seasons? Did you get the job all on your own? Or did mommy and daddy help you with that, because you know they are “Big at the course”. Second, I don’t know why I’m going to explain this, but I should….. During Junior night, anyone can go out on the course, during mens night no one but men are aloud to go out. I have played at most of the courses in BC and we are one of the few clubs that have restrictions on Juniors…. Do you know that juniors can not play on weekends before 2pm, even if they are with their parents, this goes the same for holidays… I have been treated very well at courses such as Golden, Creston, Cranbrook, and Kimberley, with no restrictions, we actually had priority over the men and ladies members.
Erica, how about a clubhouse on white with a lime water.
Seasons Greetings- So why shouldn’t FGCC get with the times and change the restriction rules? Fernie should just stick with staying small and behind on the times because by the time the people figure out that Fernie needs change, its time to change it again. I’m not saying to stay isolated from the world, some change is good… but what is wrong with the old small local businesses, should we just let the big guys come in and put out all the small businesses?? Sure, because change is good right? Fernie has many problems, many sucesses as well, My name WhatHasFernieBecome can be taken both positive and negative… it is really a question that the LONG residents need to ask themselves and figure out for themselves if they like the change, or they don’t like the change……
You say Tamato, I say tomato.
I don’t like the recent change, that is my opinion…
You like the change, that is your opinion…..Obviously you think you are right, and I think that I am right….
Its called different opinions…. live with it!
February 5, 2006 at 6:47 am #14559
ParticipantI’m starting to get a little confused about what your point is here…Are you just saying you don’t like the management at the FGCC, or are you attacking the whole town for being greedy and corporate? Which is how you opened this string.
I don’t know enough about the FGCC to comment on that, it was your comments on Fernie as a town that I didn’t like, and how you seemed to be accusing everyone of the same attitude that you feel the Mgmt of the FGCC has. I don’t think that is fair, Fernie has some wonderful people, old and new. I definately shop local and support the little guys. You’ve left and don’t come back any more so I guess that’s not the case with you….You seem to suggest thta it is up to the LONG residents of Fernie to decide on what changes are okay, well how do you know how long either I or Erica have been here?
February 5, 2006 at 2:23 pm #14560
ParticipantIt’s funny that you “explain” something that I have seen many times to be untrue. Saturday morning – Breakfast club, after the parades of middle aged + men and women and the odd 20 year old (no names mentioned) /i saw tons of juniors out. If you feel you get treated elsewhere then go elsewhere. Thats what golfers do is it not?
And I don’t want to hear your crap on how I got my job, my mommy and daddy dont get me jobs, otherwise I would have worked elsewhere and made a whole lot more $$$.
And for the record you can go out on Mens/ladies/juniors night assuming there is an opening
By the way, get your own damn sandwich
February 6, 2006 at 1:33 pm #14561
ParticipantFGCC has seen a drastic decline of over 120 junior member in 94′ all the way down to 2 or 4 junior members. I understand that Fernie has lost a lot of youth, that is one of the reasons why we have lost a school. Why isn’t the members of FGCC and staff doing more to ensure that young kids are taught the game….. They have a couple great programs in the summer, but like always I have not seen the head pro out there once helping the kids… Everywhere else in the kootenays/ BC the head pros are dedicated in getting more kids to enjoy and learn the game, it seems that the dedication has gone to the ol’ mighty dollar and how many of them he can get in his pocket.
Close the register, and get your ass out there and help out the kids….
February 6, 2006 at 2:37 pm #14562
huckin eh
ParticipantI hope you mean it when you say “Final Comment”
We are all getting sick of your bitching!
You obviously are not looking for a career in politics . If you want to convince institutions to change, you have to treat the members and the operators with a bit more respect.
Fernie is a great town with lots of friendly, good natured people! Maybe the reason it stays that way because the assholes move out. -
February 6, 2006 at 5:05 pm #14563
ParticipantHave you ever thought that there is so few juniors in the program because golf stinks. It is a sport for spoiled rich people, the kids are out doing something fun, (or playing video games) not golfing….
it’s that simple, it’s not a conspiracy by the golf and country club
p.s. fernie kicks ass over kelowna
February 7, 2006 at 2:46 am #14564
ParticipantI do not feel that a post such as this one could actually deserve a reply from myself, but when I see a thread with this much negativety and insult, the time is suddenly appropriate.
To the ignorant, shallow minded, upset person who started this thread I say, “Shame on You.” – The negativety you have used and tone itself is both uncivil and mostly moot point issues. The Golf course is probably profitting more since attitudes such as the poster of this thread have been away from the green.
Everything sucks, except for the groundskeeping crew who seem to keep everything running. Get a grip you moron.
That’s right, I think your a moron. If I was a mod for a forum such as this, your membership would have been revoked after your first reply.I hope you are happy with the place you currently take vest, but something tells me you most likely don’t take an optomist view at much.
I don’t golf much, but I have never been made feel unwelcome at the Golf Course.
As far as a place to walk my dog. She may be spoiled, but she isn’t gonna be using such a beautiful place as her toilet.
“Whathasfernie become” – Needs to deal with the problems manifested from his childhood, through a state of redigression. But that’s what doctor Phil told me to say.PS. If You think arguing via forum posts is going to create a possitive outcome, You, my aquantaince, aren’t living in the same planet as I.
Grow up.
Bad Karma might cause you back spasms that will keep you from enjoying the next golf season.I wish every local business a prosperous year. And I thank all of you that
have already said what I myself would have. IE ” Fernie IS STILL, and WILL continue to BE a GREAT place to Live Love, and Learn.Please learn how to live and Love before bringing such bad vibes into Nate’s so far mostly possitive General Chat Forum.
I seriously like a good argument, but there is nothing to argue here folks. Just some Idiot spoutin from the Verbal Diareah orifice.
Shame on You “Whathasferniebecome” – Somewhere in Canada there is a village that’s missing an idiot. Sadley though, he won’t tell us his name. LOL
Cary on if you must but I don’t usually get much more pleasant that I am now. Just a warning. YOU MORON. -
February 7, 2006 at 8:12 am #14565
ParticipantI know nothing about golf, and I have lived in Fernie my whole life and never actually played a round of golf here. I do know that at some point we used to brag about our golf course, and now I never here much about it. This guy is not a moron, he is a guy with a passion for golf and fond memories of a course that he once thought was great, granted he does sound quite bitter. This reminds me of the mogul smoker thread, except this time instead of everybody being against the change, we’re all saying that its a good thing. So, as I said, I have no idea what I’m talking about, but if they aren’t letting kids play golf, I think they should let them, and even go out of their way to encourage young players. Lets not forget Tiger Woods y’all.
And incase anyone needs my name to somehow make my opinion on here legite, the names Gavin Thomas, and yes ladies, I’m available -
February 7, 2006 at 11:51 pm #14566
ParticipantDearest Gavin,
I don’t think anyone was saying that the changes at the Golf Course are good, if indeed they are as whathas… explains them to be. But who knows, the poster is so angry that it is hard to tell if anything (s)he is saying is based on fact.
Again, like the mogul smoker forum, the point has been missed. What I believe everyone was trying to point out this time was that Fernie is not an awful place full of greedy people, it’s actually quite wonderful and the folks who actually live here like it, and get a bit defensive when people who have moved away start forums that begin with sweeping comments about the town which are simply not true.
I, without really knowing much about Golf, am sure that a strong Junior program is an excellent idea. I’m sure most people agree with me, and as the poll suggests, most do. However, whathas…’s post was mainly angry and bitter about the town in it’s entirety and that is what I think got us all upset.
February 8, 2006 at 6:56 am #14567
ParticipantFair Enough
February 11, 2006 at 2:27 am #14568
ParticipantI really hate “bashing” Fernie because it was a town I grew up in and was proud of…. but as I grew up the town in general took many turns for the worse… I guess when you come back and see so many changes ( most from my perspective happen to be negative).. you get upset…. I understand that life has changes and that we have our ups and downs, I feel that Fernie has changed negatively, and will never have the same spunk that it once used to have. There are postive changes to Fernie over the years such as the ski hill…… but again I have to defend the small business man… I hope that people will not be sold out by big business likes of Canadian Tire. Support the local businesses that have been there the longest. I’m quite bitter about the FGCC and many other…. Do I dare say BAD changes…. It is up to the people of Fernie to decide if the changes are good or bad… Obviously my opinion stands. I respect everyones opinions and I apologize if my opinions and comments have offended anyone.
We live in a country where freedom of speech is a right, my comments and feelings are valued by many, others not so. We need to put money #2 and our kids and youth #1…
February 11, 2006 at 5:13 am #14569
ParticipantYeah the good ole days,
when every weekend someone would get shit kicked or thrown through the northern window, when people would beat the shit out of you for having the wrong accent.. damn i miss those small minded red neck days….
February 11, 2006 at 10:35 pm #14570
ParticipantLaughing out loud to the point I damn near lost my voice, MOKE.
Enough with the negative, There are plans for a new golf course in Fernie. I am very pleased to see this town grow and prospor, even if the larger coorporations are moving in to help meet suply and demand issues.
I would love to see todays youth (even just a small percentage) continue to take part in learning any outdoor sport and activities.
Some of the most overweight and least physically active people can still kick ass on Tony Hawk video games eh.
To the future Tiger Woods mentoring youth, I say, I hope you are pleased with what Fernie has Become, when you have the oportunity to enjoy the priceless views of local landscapes from whatever course you enjoy the sport on.
PS. Always cary an extra pair of pants when out golfing kids. Just incase you get a hole in one eh.
February 11, 2006 at 11:13 pm #14571
Todd W.
ParticipantMY 2 cents, because itss all i can afford….
I love Fernie, it is an awsome little town, with awsome people and mountains to enjoy, o ya, and the pow. Like everything Fernie needs to grow, unfortunatly fernie is growing into a “part time suburb” i say this because half the houses are lived in by calgarians (not only, but its an example) for a few weeks, possibly a few months a year. granted this is good for the realestate, but how good is it for the local economy over the long time? i mean how many are going to spend mony in stores downtown when the go back to there other home in the citys during the week. with local school populations dropping faster and faster, more stores closing, and real estate rising. to me it seems like fernie is in a downward spyral, soon it will be at the point that everyone lives and dose there shopping someware else. yes there might be a new golf cousre, but it dosnt seem like there working to hard on it, and this will only bring more weekend visitors that have no need to spend there money on anything but hotel and food.
February 13, 2006 at 5:16 pm #14572
ParticipantCalgarians buying real estate in Fernie is NOT good for the real estate market, unless you are an agent. The are driving up the price of real estate, which in turn increases property taxes in the area because the value has gone up. This makes it difficult for the average person to buy a house at an affordable price.
This said, I am glad to see Calgarians moving to Fernie, even if just for the weekends. The local ski club, FAST, is comprised of many Calgarians. These parents come here every weekend, ski and bike the mountain, have dinner in town, etc. The majority of them are involved in the community and want to see it develop. For instance, the newest establishment in Fernie (The Brickhouse Bar and Grill and Phat CIty Lounge) is opening in a building that was purchased and renovated by a Calgarian Architect. What a contribution! Adding value to both historical Fernie and the entertainment scene!
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