Voting day is near…. Whatchagonnado?
- This topic has 12 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 1 month ago by
January 12, 2006 at 3:04 am #6087
ParticipantMy vote is going to the NDP. Jack Layton seems to answer the questions clearly and is also in favor of Kyoto. If you are 18 years old or older and are a resident of our great country do your part and vote.
When something goes wrong in politics, I blame those who didn’t vote.Give Pizza Chants
January 12, 2006 at 5:36 am #14500
huckin eh
ParticipantPIZZA! PIZZA ! PIZZA!
WooohooooooooooI’ll vote for Pizza!
January 18, 2006 at 9:22 pm #14501
ParticipantThe only reason I mentioned peace and the Ndp is cause the NDP seem to be the only party, showing a positive possible reform to Marijuana legislation. Also Layton seems to be the only one strongly acknowledging the Kyoto deal.
If you don’t vote at all I do consider you the people to blame when the fish are dead and the stars are a meer memory.
That’s right. Nates Pro Pot. Who would have known eh?
I believe in a utopia created through tourism and smartley managed resources.
Marijuana has yet to be proven as a harmful substance, and has shown many possitive advancements both with TCH production and with ailments.
Drugs are being prescribed everyday. When I have a headache I try water, then black coffee. If that doesn’t work I try acetaminophen or good ol MJ (depending on work schedule eh.)To any of you question the meothod to my madness please feel free to PM or email me at I’ll lead you into information about some of the saddest examples of the losing battle that is the “drug war”.
I promise I won’t start bashing the DARE program on this site, But have any of you seen that MADD comercial where the kids rolling papers start talking to him? Any recreational or medicinal MJ user is smarter than the concerned parents especially when they laugh saying things like, “My stuff must be shwag if that’s what it’s supposed to do.”No wonder we have a leading cause for concern with younger users using harder drugs. We’re still not telling them the truth.
The Liberals and Conservatives would like to lock up drug users, while the NDP plans programs and treatment centres for those battling addiction.
The US has interveened once again.
The Grant Krieger story was a huge disapointment for the many steps ahead, Canadians needing Medical Marijuana, have proactively taken.If eating Dandilions was my forte, I’m sure the government would be happy. I’d conserve revunues all summer so they could collect their share in spring.
To those of you partaking in the combination of recreation, and recreational use, I say, “Keep Fit and Have Fun.” – I borrowed the slogan. Seemed more fitting here LOL.To those of you wanting to neh say do it here. Debates are always better with audience participaction.
January 18, 2006 at 9:31 pm #14502
huckin eh
ParticipantI’m still gonna vote for Pizza!
Especially if I’m baked!…Damn I’ll have the munchies! -
January 19, 2006 at 7:59 pm #14503
ParticipantFirst of all, I got no issues with stoners, most of them are quite funny….or annoying, depending on the extent of their consumption. I can’t say I know much about purchasing marijuana because I never have, but I know tons of people that do and they don’t seem to have any problems getting their fix. I also don’t know anyone who has had any legal problems serious enough to affect the quality of their lives just because a cop busted them smoking dope. I suppose it would be nice for you guys to be able to go to 7-11 and pick up some joints or to sit on main street where everyone can see you get high, but is it really that big of deal to have to smoke up in your own house or car and than go out in public? This should not be a major deciding factor when choosing a leader for your country. If smoking pot is all you care about so much so that you determine who controls all of your tax money simply because they let you get high, than perhaps smoking pot DOES have a serious affect on those who partake in it.
January 19, 2006 at 9:09 pm #14504
ParticipantIt is not a deciding factor at all, but if one party says we want to put money into healthcare and scientific research studies etc, and the other party’s say otherwise, I’m pretty sure our societies advancements can be, and should be considered a deciding factor for sure.
Recreational users of MJ are everywhere. Weeds just one a grammy, I beleive over a show called desperate house wives. – I guess your right about the entertaining coment Gravitron.
The fact is that many people have used natural substances such as marijuana and even Ibogaine, for illnesses such as cancer and aids, and even addictions and dependancies for other harder drugs.
The other fact is that prohibition has obviously gone too far. When I was in grade school in Fernie years ago, there was little mention of pot or weed being available on the school grounds. Yet today I hear kids as young as twelve are hooked on Crack or Meth. This is a reality and we are fortunate enough to live in a small enough community, where these kids and their issues can be healthily addresses through programs and councelling. Most people hear stories about young people on crack and the first thing they think is “What did the parents do or what do they think?” – Here lies the problem. Parents don’t think – “Go to school honey.” – “Did you take back that game to the video store?”
Parents don’t think or communicate like when I was young. They don’t act either. Ie when I was young and did something wrong I was made understand that what I did was not appropriate. My parents may have used physical language in dicipline when I was little, but I never recieved a “time out”. Somedays I wanted a time out from the likens eh.
I think parents today are afraid to punish their children, face it, kids know more than we do. You send your teenage son to his room without dinner and you got a certain department knocking at your door giving you shit.The above text is merely my opinion of course, and I strongly encourage debate on this issue.
The fact is that 3 Canadian advocates for marijuana reform have been charged and possibly await the death penalty in the us. This group paid it’s taxes (Hundreds of thousands over 11 years time) and never once lied about it’s operations. The government excepted the money and prommissed changes in the legislation, yet those same politicians today are more concerned with “Gay mariage” and “Scandals”.
The environment is will be and has always been a platform issue.
Why don’t they hire David Suzuki to tell us what we can do? Why? – Greed and american influence.
The Liberals promissed us better healthcare. They should have mentioned that people would continue to die in waiting rooms while awaiting medical attention. They also should have mentioned that smaller areas would be drastically effected by medical care cut backs.
And Don’t get me started on Stephen Harper. IMO he only involves himself with politics cause the muppet show rejected his auditions. LOL
The government keeps throwing around the figure for possesion as well. What a Joke. They can’t decide between 20-26gr. What a stupid decision.
If you want to get pot off the streets, why not make it a definite noticeable figure such as three pounds. If you see someone walking around with three pounds I’m pretty sure they mean to traffic, if not, they’ve got some party I’m not invited too to get to.
Even four times the figure of 26gr. is enough for any politician to hide in his pockets unlike the rest of our poorly invested Tax dollars.Thanks for the oportunity to vent. Im good at it. I think
Criminalize sugar as the gateway substance. enuff said. No?
January 19, 2006 at 9:36 pm #14505
huckin eh
ParticipantWhen I was in grade 12, My friend and I were given the debate topic of , lo and behold, Legalizing drugs. At this time in my life I had still not touched any drug other than alcahol! We immediately thought that we were toast and that we would loose the debate convincingly. However, we eventually got to the task at hand and studied Marijuanna use compared to alcahol.
It was not long before we realized that we had a case. Neither of us were straight A students and we actually won the debate convincingly against very competant competition!.
There is way too much for me to have the patience to explain on this forum that supported our victory. It just baffles me how much of a croc this “war on drugs” actually is. Sure hard stuff should be eliminated, but Marijuanna is so much less dangerous to society than alcahol. I don’t hear anyone talking about prohibition as far as alcahol is concerned! In my opinion, if 1 of the 2 had to be prohibited, I would vote that it be alcahol.
I have lost good friends to Cocaine, Crack, and alcaholism. I have never lost a friend due to Marijuanna use! In fact, I have gained many a friend as a result of marijuanna use!
Its about time that the case to legalize MJ gain mainstreem status.
And FUCK the American bible belt that believes otherwise.
Im out! -
January 20, 2006 at 7:14 am #14506
Participant4 days away
Vote either way, but if you don’t vote, by choice, I blame you for all the problems in this (still Great) country.formore info on my above mentioned subject I provide the following link
Little boxes on the hillside Little boxes made of ticky tacky and they all look just the same
And the people in the houses all go to the university and they all get put in boxes and they all little boxes all the same…..
And they all play on the golf course and drink their martini dry, and they all have pretty children and the children go to school and the children go to summer samp and then to the university and they all get put in boxes and they all come out the same.
and the boys go into bussiness and marry and raise a family and they all get put in boxes little boxes all the same. There’s agreen one and a pink one and a blue one and a yellow one and they’re all made out of ticcky tacky and they all look just the same.
Wouln’t you like to get away…… Were everybody knows your name……. and theyre always glad you came you want to be where you can see troubles are all the same………. be glad ther’s one place in the world ….. you want to be where people know people are all the same………..
Cheers folks. -
January 20, 2006 at 8:08 am #14507
ParticipantAs far as marijuana use goes and the idea that no one loses friends to the stuff, I have to disagree. There are people I know from highschool that I was once good friends with that I have had to distance myself from because all they do these days is work and rush home to smoke a joint. They scrounge for money to buy some more, rush to cash their paycheck so they can stock up and beg their landlord for an extension on rent because they have no money. The majority of these people make twice as much money as myself. I know all the money isn’t going towards pot, some of it goes to all the fast food they buy once they get the munchies. So there they are, sitting on the couch, staring at the tv, giggling and waiting to fall asleep so they can get up, go to work, and do it all over again. I’m not saying this is unappropriate behavior, just sort of seems like a waste of life to me. They have lost all their energy and ambition in life, and it doesn’t matter to them, because all they want to do is get high and chill. And they have infact made more friends, people who share this lifestyle. I am not saying this is true with every person that smokes marijuana, just pointing out that it can infact have negative impacts on peoples lives. I know a couple who become so aggitated when they run out of marijuana that they beat their children with belts and hockey sticks for unjustified reasons, if there even is a reason for that sort of punishment.
I have a beer every now and then, maybe a couple, maybe a few too many, but not regularly enough to give it much of a second thought, and I know that some people smoke a joint every now and then and go about leading a decent life the majority of the time, and I see no issues with that. If alcohol became prohibited, I would be ok with never being able to have a beer again, because I know that it can have a powerful affect on peoples lives and we would be better off as a society. I like to think that marijuana users think the same, but as alcohol has its alcoholics, marijuana definitly has its chronics.
I like to think that the problem with substance abuse comes from somewhere deeper. As a society, we’re very depentant people. We know if we don’t make enough money, the tax payers will cover us. Some of us have parents who will bail us out of any situation instead of letting us learn our lessons. We know that if we become a single parent, we can have guaranteed child support for 18 years. We know that if we complain long enough, someone will feel sorry for us and bail us out. I find alot of substance abusers always complaining but never taking action, just taking what they can from the people who put in the effort. Again, I am talking about those who have lost control, not the occasional participant.
Ban alcohol, it is terrible. That doesn’t make marijuana any better.
And as for politics, I’m all for the cuts in medical, the cuts in education, cut all the damn expenses. People get drunk, fall down stairs, hurt themselves, go to the emergency room and use up tax dollars. Kids go to school and get high behind the dumpster because they’re mad that they are being forced to learn things that do not interest them or that have no relavance to real life. We need hospitals that can provide the essentials. We don’t need them so people can have peace of mind about doing stupid, irrational things. The emergency room is open, they’ll save me if drink too much, if I decide to drive like an idiot, if I pick a fight with a guy who is obviously going to rearrange my face. I’m not interested in paying taxes to support that, so that these people can have high-paid sympathy and support. How many old people stay for months on end in hospitals, hooked on some sort of life support? I’m sure we would all like to live forever, but the truth is that you are going to die, you should accept that and die when you are supposed to, not when your family gets sick of visiting your mindless, barely functioning body and decides to pull the plug. I do not mean to sound harsh or coldhearted, but lets try our best to stay in touch with reality. Lets tough it out, live with out our safety nets for awhile. If we can survive for a few years (and we can) without all our luxuries, the worst that can happen is our taxes will be lowered and we will all get to keep what we work for and live on our own terms. Hell, maybe the government will even give us MORE money. I encourage you all to look at the past 15 years of Albertas political history. They have more money than they can spend. And it just may be because they tolerated a few expense cuts so that they can now have that much more control over their own lives.
Incase anyone is curious, I do not vote. I believe we all have what it takes to make proper decisions in our own lives. The idea of a government is great as far as having someone to organize development, but do we really need them to tell us if we can smoke dope? If we can drink beer? How fast we can drive? How old we need to be before we can have sex? How hard you’re allowed to hit a child? What we need to learn, when we need to learn it? How much money we can earn before we have to give some of it to someone whos too lazy to work for what they want? How long grandma can stay plugged-in before she over-stays her welcome? I’m not going to vote in a parent to lead my adult life for me, I’m comfortable making my own decisions, living my life the way I want it to be. -
January 20, 2006 at 7:51 pm #14508
ParticipantIs there a Coles Notes version of that last post?
January 20, 2006 at 9:01 pm #14509
huckin eh
ParticipantYes there is!
Imagine the teacher from South Park saying:
“Drugs r bad, umkay!” -
January 20, 2006 at 9:35 pm #14510
ParticipantWhoa, sorry guys, didn’t really notice how out of hand that got, thanks for letting me vent anyways
January 22, 2006 at 7:50 am #14511
ParticipantVenting is good.
People who beat their children cuase they have no self control, are Bad.
There are not many people who break out in fits of rage when they are out of pot. (highly addictive personalities, maybe).
Voting is good.
Marijuana is not a drug, which makes it Okay.
Low life individuals that spend their rent money on weed and munchies make me laugh……. Sorry I had to laugh cause a roof over my head is always better than a haze within.
Once again, voting is good.
If you don’t vote or even go and spoil your ballet, your voice is not getting heard.
PS. If a tree falls in the forest and lands on a non voter, does Nate really care.
Income tax was supposed to be a temporary war releif tax.
PSS I am not happy with cutbacks – nor do I beleive that the adverage tax payer will see money as a result. Keep Dreamin Gravi.LOL
Psst. I’m pretty sure Canada would be a country of riot if Alcohol or even just beer was prohibitioned.
Vote Monday Jan 23rd. It’s your chance to have your voice (no matter how small it seems) heard. So Vote. Did I mention Voting is good? LOL
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