Park Place Lodge

Vacation in Victoria? House swap

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    • #34927
      Bill Russell

      I was hoping to head to Fernie for 2 weeks at the end of October, anyone looking for a cheap vacation to Victoria and want to house swap?

      I live in a 3bdrm plus office house, fully fenced back yard, in the Cedar Hill area (sort of by UVIC). All amenities within walking distance; Timmys, Starbucks, BCL, grocery store, pizza shop. On the main bus route to downtown and only a 5 minute drive to the city centre.

      I am not picky with what you have to offer. Ideally you would let me bring my dog (8yo black lab), I would allow the same. This is not a sticking point, I can find other arrangements for her. House/condo/cabin/bsmt suite/batchelor all fine. My 4yo may visit while I am there.

      I’m a responsible 33yo professional, clean, no drugs or parties.

      If you would be interested, or willing to take a guy in for a couple weeks for cheap please drop me a line! Just need a place to sleep and a shower.


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