Two swedish brothers looking to rent a room / rooms


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  • Author
    • #32639
      Axel Mild

      Me and my twin brother are in need of accommodation during the whole winter season as we’re going to work at the ski resort.
      We are 23 years old and okay with sharing a room, though we would prefer to get one room each.
      We’re both very easy to live with, we’re clean and like to keep things tidy.

      If you want to know more about us, don’t hesitate to give us a reply!

    • #32646
      jacob sebastiani

      Hey there,

      My buddy and I just got into town and are looking for places to live. We’re open to the idea of getting a 3-4 bedroom house with other people. If you want to chat and see what we can find together let me know.
      Email: or cell: 519-216-7775.


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