Park Place Lodge

traing martial arts

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    • #9191

      I’ve trained kung fu off and on for over 5 years. The last couple stictly on my own as I’ve been without a place to train, and I really miss training with other people. It doesn’t matter what you’ve trained or how for long, (the longer the better though, I love learning new stuff). I’m fairly new to Fernie (about a year and a half), and don’t know many people here yet. If you’re interested, I’d like to get in touch with you and set up a place and time to meet and train a couple nights a week for an hour or two at a time.

    • #17086

      i have no experience in martial arts at all , but i am interested in seeing what kungfu is all about and some training sessions.
      You can pm me with info or give me a call at 423-0817

    • #17087

      Hi there,
      no skills in art martial either but motivated to learn about it contact me 2504232690 yu can leave a message if noboby there, ask for yohann.

    • #17088

      Hello r u training yet, did u find a place, I have one and students as well if u are interrested.
      Dean 250 423 6367

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