Park Place Lodge

The Basics…helppp

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by re.
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    • #7178

      Hi there.
      My names Chris, I am currently finishing an extra semester(victory lap) of highschool. Fortunatly, its all done with by the end of January and I have been anticipating getting a job at Fernie in the begining of Febuary. I have a vast resume for my age and I am currently working to gain a little capital for this adventure. ANyways, to the point, I would be comming out with my closest buddy and was hoping to pick up a job on the mountian in the begining of Febuary and work through till proably May or June.
      Now am I jsut living a pipe dream, or is this possible? Are there job oppurtunities on the mountian come Febuary?

      And will I be able to get a room or town house of some sort for a long term rental at this point? Afforadable? Walking distance from the mouontian.

      WEll, sorry for the bombardment of questionss..Jsut trying to make this fantasy come to life as soon as possible.

      Hope to be riding with you in no time.

      Cheeers, Chris

    • #15497

      hey chris , just giver buddy, this is your dream , make it happen , take the first step and it will all work out , are you realy going to listen to a na sayer ……. its YOUR DREAM DUDE .. get going
      p.s you will love it here

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