Tell me about Fernie

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    • #5216

      Hi there everyone in Fernie.

      I have a couple of questions.

      I have lived all over the place from New York to San Fra to Montreal.

      Including I have lived all over B.C. and this is where I belong.

      At the moment I have bought a house outside of Nelson and I do enjoy the town and can say it is wonderfull place to live.

      But I think its time to move on. I am looking for the perfect town to live and stay with my girlfriend.

      I don’t like something about Nelson and its the Hippys that come here and have such a close minded and judgemental attuide towards people that don’t look like them. It really makes Nelson seem a bit overwhelming places sometimes all this sarcasim and hipporacy.

      What is Fernie like for a young artist ? I love B.C. small towns and want to find one that is going somewhere in a good direction and could use a couple of people that would like to contribute to the community. I find Nelson is sick of people contributing and things get so flakey. I don’t mind any good folks from anywhere of any sort but I am also trying to stay away from Red necks that are angry about enviromentalist like myself and also Snowboarding type kids that act like they are from the USA gettos.

      I guess I might sound like a bit of a dick myself saying all this … BUt I am looking for the Northern Exposure type place.

      Also. . . . . I have a $240 Flash/HTML website special on now and if someone needs a direct marketing Pro that will get your point accross check out and if you want to make a deal perhaps I could drive over and stay at the hostel and check out the town.

    • #12941

      Hold on,

      I read my message again and I don’t like it.

      I don’t have anything against the hippy culture of 2003 or of Nelson. Just had to many bad experinces with dirty looks and stange comments and things from people that are passing threw with this holy why do you have a job and shave attuitude and don’t want know more of it. Meanwhile I am a envioromentalist.

      And yes I like to work and am a musician.

    • #12942

      Man it sure sounds like Nelson has given you bad vibes. Fernie is a great town. I moved here 8 years ago and I am amazed at the people that move here and rave about this being the best place in the world to live. I’m sure you get alot of that in Nelson. I think the smaller town atmosphere is very positive. I sure hope that it does not give anyone the bad vibes you have experienced. I’m an old guy (50) with a profession and I always get very positive reactions from the young people in our community. I like to call some of them beetniks. They love to surf the mountain and play , listen to music at night around a bong fire. I don’t find we have alot of snowboarder trash. Most of the riders I run into on the hill are polite, respectful and having a great time.
      I hope you do move here, it’s a very cool town.

      But I thought Nelson was a cool town, sound like we have a nicer atmosphere.

    • #12943

      No, Nelson is the coolest town in the world and it really is the kind of place that is sort of like a dream

      Its not that I guess, its me. I have lived in the hippest parts the world. I do agree all these people and places are so cool. Nelson is a world class artist place that must be funkyest little town around. But that to me is stress .. . . thats all the hip, cool. . . people are anymore to me is stress you know what I mean. . . . all these bickering (like I am doing) and politics and talk of deep meaningfull things leaves me longing something as chilled as a fish and a place that is more modest. Most importantly I would like a place that NEEDS some people that would like to make a difference,
      and would say thank you. Nelson is overrun by people that make a difference and its a competion – that makes is a great place and great people don’t get me wrong.

    • #12944

      What’s great about Fernie is that it’s a mix of people from all kinds of backgrounds, it’s still really blue colour but at the same time, kind of cosmopolitan as people have chosen to live here for lifestyle reasons. I wouldn’t say it’s heavy on hippy at all. It’s pretty varied. In terms of politics etc., hey, it’s a small town — they are all like that! But I think people take it with a grain of salt.

      Probably your best chance to experience Fernie would be to sit in any one of it’s coffee shops for a day; you’ll see all kinds of people from all walks of life come and go. It’s pretty cool.

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