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    • #10903

      So what should we do about the little shits who are spray painting (tagging ) up our little town of Fernie, trying to make it look like a ghetto ,
      I for one will enjoy it when i catch up to one of them ……. :twisted:

    • #19016

      Catch them, if they are under 18 their parents are responsible for the cost of the clean up.

    • #19017

      Funny thing is I caught one of the little SOB’s last summer and held him til the cops showed up. They did nothing and the father just said boy will be boys, all while he was sipping from his beer, in front of the cops!! Now the little b@stard has been caught, red handed, rifiling throu my neighbors vehicles and the police do nothing. Time to bring back the good ole days, and maybe teach him a lesson and swat his ass so hard that he cant sit down for a month of Sundays, just a suggestion………

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