Sweet suite – three bedrooms available September 1st

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    • #8105
      karen g

      Fully furnished suite for rent on upper floor of a house in the Mountainview area.

      Just remodelled and has awesome views of the ski hill. Large kitchen, dining, and bathroom. Three bedrooms.

      Free laundry and internet. 300 square foot south facing upper deck with barbecue. Large yard with hammocks and great shade trees.
      10-15 minute walk from downtown and hitching spot.

      Looking for tidy, responsible, respectful, quiet but fun folks. People that like dinner parties/potlucks/drinks but not into huge parties.
      Want folks who will stay at least until end of April but opportunity for staying longer term.

      Available Sept 1st.

      Email Karen@zumundo.com if interested or call me , Karen, at 403-770-9125. I’ll be gone August 1-17th so don’t necessarily expect a response during that time.

    • #16129

      HI Karen,
      i am moving to Fernie with my boyfriend on September 1st, so I was just wondering if you would rent a room to a couple, and if so how much do you charge?
      We have lived in Fernie before, I am a teacher and he is an engineer. We don’t want the whole suite to ourselves, roomies are fun . .so we just need a room.



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