Park Place Lodge

Still have some questions for anyone from the UK

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    • #5884

      Hello there:

      I am an aspiring childrens writer and am presently taking a writting home study course. I am presently doing an assignment which requires me to write the first few chapters of a story. The book idea I have is for ages 12-15. My question to you is this: Would someone be able and willing to talk to me about England, and answere some other questions for me that I was not able to find answeres for on the net? If someone would be willing to talk with me that would be sooo wonderful. I would so greatly appreciate your time and help. Thanks a bunch. My email address is I have talked with a few people now but it would be beneficial if I could talk to a few more people. The more information I can learn, the better my story will be. Thanks so much. I apprecaite all the information I have learned from those I have already spoken to and all those I hope I will still meet.

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