Spring Splash – April room for rent

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    • #10379

      Coming to Fernie for Spring? Or need a place to stay for a couple weeks while you sort out summer accommodation?
      1 room for rent in a 2 bedroom apartment on Cokato rd (just past swimming pool), 10-15min walk to 2nd Ave.
      April 1-15 $250 single or $400 couple
      The apartment is fully furnished with a queen bed and TV in your bedroom, sheets and towels, DVD player and TV in living room, and there is even a dishwasher in the kitchen!
      Rent includes all utilities, cable TV and internet.
      If interested message me with your email and I can send you some pics, or call/text Meg at 250-430-3076.

    • #18127

      Hey there

      I will be needing a new place to stay either from 23rd Feb or 7th Mar (depends on if i go on a quick road trip) until 29th Mar.

      If these dates could suit you please email (craigsmith1982@hotmail.com) me some pics. I am away from tomorrow until Sunday so i might be a little slow replying.



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