Park Place Lodge

Skating Rink

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    • #6015

      The last couple weeks I have discovered a few outdoor skating rinks in Cranbrook and have been travelling back and forth just to use them. They’re set up in parks and are free to the public. So I got to thinking…why doesn’t Fernie have one??? It seems like something that should be essential in our town no? Perhaps the city just wants everyone to use the arena? Can you even do that? I haven’t seen any information on it anywhere! But regardless, an outdoor rink has a certain atmosphere to it that makes it alot more enjoyable than skating around the arena. If you guys have any thoughts about the idea of getting one (perhaps in Rotary Park?), post away, I’m planning on mentioning the idea to the city and wouldn’t mind some opinions to back it up :-)

    • #14396

      Any facility is an asset, an outdoor skating rink would be fantastic in Fernie. I am sure it would get a lot of support, however with the humungous amounts of snow that fall here (bring it on Griz baby!!!) I am sure there would be a hefty maintainance bill to take care of. I know the City are trying to find suitable uses for their surplus dollars, so I think this would be a great time to suggest it to them.

      As for public skating, Fernie Leisure Services prints a whole booklet of timetables for the Aquatic Centre, Arena, Arts Station and other events. I know you can get them from the Aquatic Centre, and probably also from the City as well as the other venues.

      At the Arena there’s public skating on Wednesday evening and Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons throught the holidays. There’s also Shinny Mon-Fri for various agegroups and Parent and Tot skating on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

      Happy skating!

    • #14397

      Why not use a section of the field in West Fernie.
      I would like some day to see a nice batanical garden or at least a fountain and some benches in that spot.
      No weather jokes nessessary folks (remember we’re trying to be possitive)
      I guess there’s always the arena, but dont forget about Baynes, and other sorounding lakes.
      I wonder if N land Lake freezes over.

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