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    • #10987

      A Montreal civic agency told PETA this week that the following ad featuring Pamela Anderson is sexist and it won’t be given a permit to unveil it in the city.


    • #19148

      I’d love to BBQ up a juicey grade a Pamela Anderson round steak. Mmmmm mmmm! Not sure if I’d like the breast cut though, it would just melt all over my BBQ and I be left with quite the silicone mess to clean up. Remeber to bring the temp up to at least 180 F to make sure to kill all the hep c virus to. Food safe remember! Stupid Pamela! I liked her anti fishing add too… Remember fish have feelings too? I’m offended by Hollywood stars trying to tell me how to live my life!! That’s what offends me.. And she dated Kid Rock!! That’s offending!!

    • #19147

      Sexist? Maybe. More to the point I think it’s funny how people pretend that pamela anderson is still hot. If she was a cut of beef she would be one rancid, dried out, mad cow. Not to mention You’d get the Hep from taking a bite. I haven’t had a piece of steak in months and I’d rather starve.

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