Seeking seekers of a roommate(s)

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  • Author
    • #23248
      Eric Zbrog

      Hey Fernie people, Im a 22 year old guy from Manitoba…. although i’ve travelled preeetty extensively throughout BC… I was home in MB for a few months this year but after Shambhala decided that was not happening again for a long time. I went to Salt Spring Island, now im in Canmore. Im leaving to make it out for the early bird interview im booked for at the resort but most likely heading back to Canmore for a couple more weeks to bank up the mula a little heavier… Ive lived in a multitude of living situations and with lots of personality types… im coming to fernie with an easy going accepting perspective down to party, to chill, to shred and to vibe out. Look me up on FB for some background checkin if you want yeooo 😉 Eric Zbrog is the name…

    • #23437

      me and a buddy want to come to Fernie in December for the winter season and as it is really hard to find rooms we thought about renting a bigger house with a few likeminded guys..
      Let me know what you think!
      There was a four bedroom house for 1850 at the housing section on the forum and I think something like that would be suitable.. I already contacted the poster but I didn’t get an answer so far.



    • #23459

      Hey Eric,

      My names Dave and me and my mate are in the same boat as you, looking for a place to stay for the winter season. as its proving difficult to find a place i thought id see if you were interested in looking at renting a place with us and hopefully a few others.
      We’re both in our mid 20s, chill guys from australia and have both been travelling for over a year. Let us know if youre interested.

      Cheers Dave.

    • #23460

      Hey man, I’m a 22 year old guy from Saskatoon, SK, also looking for a place to stay which is proving to be a lot harder than I’d hoped. Currently searching with a guy I know who moved out there recently but he’s not found much yet, are you still looking? Sounds like we’d get along pretty good, if you happen to have found a place trying to fill up or anything let me know, if you have a couple spaces I know my buddy would be interested too but if not no worries. You can shoot me an email at, good luck with the search!

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