Scentsy Wickless Candles and Much More Buy~Host~Join

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    • #11712

      SCENTSY WICKLESS SCENTS The new creative way to scent up your home with a wonderful choice of aromas. There are over 80 deliciouse scents to choose from and new scents are coming in February scentsy offers a variety of products, other than the fabulous warmers, such as : car fresheners, purse, locker, gym bag, fresheners, there are stuffed animals for our little guys, hand sanitizer, air freshener sprays! The Fall/Winter catalog will transition into the Spring/Summer catalog as of February 28th. If you place an order before then You will get 10% of your entire order! New wonderful products to come in March … Very Exciting

      Scentsy last 3 times longer than tea lights, air wicks, or any other product on the shelf, they are safe – no soot, no flame no fire! Scentsy is a wax that is melted in its warmer by a low watt light blub. The wax is (NOT hot!) I have poured it on my arm and there is no marks, burns and I can promise it is not hot! scensty can cover smells like-last nights dinner (fish, onions, peppers), smoking, wet dog, farm smells, dirty diapers, animals oppses lol. Scentsy is Non Toxic and does not harm children or pets and is definetly perfect for a No Flame Room. Buy ~ Host~ Join Everyone will LOVE this amazing Product!
      I have an Array of warmers, and every product Scentsy sells so give me a call today! 250 423 1440 ~ Ashly

      If you are interested in scentsy please check my web page at …….

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