Rooms for Rent Summer of 2008

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  • Author
    • #7861

      Ready for Summer
      Four bedroom home for rent at the base of Fernie Mountain. Hitch hicking post is a 1Min. walk from front door. Home has a Lg mudroom attached to accomadate bikes and other outdoor gear. Lots of different bike trails and the elk river right outside the front door. A perfect location for tubing. Home is on a Lg property with beautiful mountain views. Two Lg decks, a BBQ, and a Huge raspberry patch with berries all summer long.
      Home is fully furnished, including double beds with bedding
      Rm rental includes phone, cable, washer and dryer.
      Rms are $300.00 All Inclusive
      If interested please contact Aaron/Sarah @ 519-246-1298
      Rms available May 1st.

    • #15980

      are these available next winter?

    • #15981

      Hello, my name is Valentine.
      I’m french, i’m 21 years old and I have a job for three month on Fernie (to 30 june at 30 september).
      and I would like to know if you still have a room available for this period.

      My ways of life since two years is the colocation and I like that. It was very enriching. I’m sociable and I would like speak english a lot ! and for that the colocation is the best!

      If is it always possible for you and if you are interested, my email address is

      If you prefer I can phone, tell me your availability.
      Thank you a lot,

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