!Rooms For Rent Now! Wicked House In Airport

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    • #8858

      This double bedroom is located in a fully furnished; two storied home facing the hill and backs on to the reserve in the airport area. The both levels of the house are self contained, this room is located upstairs, which only has two other bedrooms and shares a bathroom with only one other person. The house has central heating, cable on both levels, and wireless internet throughout the house, plus a land line. There are currently only 6 people living in the house, a bunch of fun loving Aussies that are all great mates! There is always something going on, whether it’s a big family dinner or playing on our drop-in park out the back! Couples are welcome and there is lots of off road parking.

      The rent is inclusive of all bills and extras at $900/month for the double room.
      There is also a single room downstairs available for 400/months.
      Both rooms are available immediately and February rent has been paid, so no payment would be required till March.

      Contact Juliet on +1403 4018749
      250 423 8749

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