Room wanted starting early January

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    • #6008

      Looking for a room to rent for a few months. Arriving January 7th. Flexible for of length of stay.

      Can reply at

    • #14387

      I realize that Business postings can be whatever from the public forum and Bla Bla Bla, But If I were you I’d look into “Statford” or “Pinnacle Ridge” condos.
      Afordable and isolated, yet central to the hill and town.
      I’ve heard that they run btwn $800-$1000 per mo. I’ve been inside both and in my opinion, they are worth every penny.

      I think you are better off in either of the two than you would be renting an apartment or house, in town.

      As for the Sticky Post – Look up Freedom of expression and individual rights and freedoms in our constitution.
      These admins, want to tell us what is and isn’t advertising. Well here’s somethin right out of the real world;
      One word……

      “The reason we’re so dangerous is because we’re totally harmless.”

      Cheech Marin

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