Room wanted for 2010/2011 snow season

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    • #10751

      My partner and I are 22yo mature Australians looking for a room for the full snow season. Full references can be contacted and we both have sufficient funds to pay for the full seasons rental cost. Looking for a room around the $500-$700 per month cost. We are both really easy going, clean, tidy and responsible but still looking to enjoy our time in Fernie. Please feel free to contact me if you have a room available or looking for another couple to get a bigger place.


      Rhys Maher

    • #18797

      My girlfriend and I are looking for some roomates for the coming winter. We are already renting a big 4 bedroom 2 bathroom house in Ridgemont and have tons of space. We are mid 20’s with a bigger dog and tend to be pretty chill because we both work early mornings in the winter, but we definately find time for some partying and skiing. We have enough extra furniture to furnish a bedroom, just looking for a couple to move in. We were hoping to get the room rented for nov 1, at $625/month + utilities for a couple (utilities are pretty good as we have a woodstove to help reduce heating costs). If you are interested or have any questions you can email us at or call (250)423-9206 and ask for Brian or Diana

    • #18798

      Hey Rhys,

      We have a room available if your interested. I sent you a PM, so check you inbox and let us know if you interested.



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