Park Place Lodge

Rampant Fernie Dogs

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    • #11222

      now, im kinda new to town, been here for about 6 months, and never before have i witnessed such disregard for one’s fellow neighbour.
      WHOEVER owns the dogs that have been unleashed in the annex area, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT NOW!
      If i see them continue to roam the area unattended, i will be taking the problem into my own hands…and it will not end well for the hounds! They are a danger to children and other pets.
      You have been warned..!!!

    • #19370

      Woah buddy! Nobody likes rampant dogs but chill.

      I just hope by "it will not end well for the hounds" that:
      A: You’re joking
      B: They will end up in the pound

      If you do end up harming these animals or others I don’t imagine you’ll last long in this town.

    • #19371

      How about a description of the dogs as well as an account of the bad things they have done. IE, aggressive behavior, getting into garbage etc.

    • #19364

      description of what theyve done ah…ok here goes…
      2 months ago they chased my child, lucky he got back inside b4 they got to him.
      2 weeks ago, they got into my garbage and threw it everywhere.
      And just 4 days ago, they killed my dog!

      and as for confirmation on what ill do to the hounds…its neither A or B…they will be killed.

      stay out of it guys, its not your fight

    • #19365

      They killed your dog! An eye for an eye… BTW don’t post up on the forum if you don’t want comments. Both for and against. If you know where they live and can ascertain ownership, The first step is go to the City and RCMP. Seems you have a lot of patience. I would possibly be in jail by now. Good luck with the issue. If I had dogs like that I would put them down.

    • #19372

      What do they look like so others can watch out for them.

    • #19374


      Judging by your description of what these dogs have done I would surmise that there may be criminal matters involved. Certainly allowing a dog to threaten children, or to kill your dog would warrent a visit to the RCMP. I am curious as to why you would not have already pursued this course of action ?

      Good luck with what sounds like a very frustrating and dangerous situation.

    • #19373

      i gotta say steve, something stinks about your story. Why no cops or city officials involved? unless your completely nuts, you know you cant just kill the dogs yourself. Why did it take you four days to post the death of your pet? would it taken four days if it was your kid. In my opinion you have been very lazy in not reporting these dogs to the proper people, endagering your neighbours along with yourself. Wise up and go through the proper channels.

    • #19375

      Back off buddy, i have reported it, and as for not posting it for 4 days, i was in anfield, so shut your mouth unless you want to meet me face to face. And as for killing the dogs, ill do what i want, when i want.

    • #19376

      completely nuts apparently. Welcome to fernie steve, you’ll fit right in.

    • #19377

      I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this is weird. And yeah, if you post online expect responses.

      Since I still don’t know what those dogs look like so I can watch for them, how about posting your address so I can avoid walking near it just in case my dog looks like one of them?

    • #19378

      Were you witness to your dogs death? It seems unlikely that another dog is responsible, remember that you are in bear country. Living in the annex I wouldn’t be surprised that an animal is getting into your yard for your dog or your garbage, especially if both are being left outside unattended . What is shocking about this story is not the fact that these things happened, but your attitude, you immediately put blame on " wild rampant dogs" and yet refuse to describe them, lashing out at people who are posting here trying to understand and help you with your problem.

      Im not saying that your child being chased by dogs is not severe, it is, and should never happen again, but wouldn’t it seem more responsible to just go and talk to the dogs owners? Or keep things like garbage inside or in the garage untill pickup? or take precautions against bears and coyotes, instead of threatening your neighbours?

      It seems to me the real danger in the community is your "I dont give a damn" attitude towards problems that others in the same neighbourhood know how to deal with in a responsible fashion. I hope you will take full responsibility for any rash and violent action you make, and pay for it dearly, because If I hear of any dead dogs being discovered I know exactly who to point to.

    • #19366

      You dog owners are so obvious in your attempt to discredit an individual who has suffered from other peoples problem dogs.

      To label the victim as the "real danger" in the community is disgusting.

      Social law is an aspect of rural living that you programmed city-folk have difficulty understanding.

      Dogs are a problem in this community however you dog owners are the source of the problem.

      Be responsible, take action and properly manage your pets.

      And please quit your defensive bickering and attaching.

    • #19379

      All I can say steve is I hope you have documented this and have a detailed log, including when your children were chased, when your dog was attacked, when and how you tried to contact owners, and when you complained to police. and what other means you took to protect you, your family and your property. If you have that, hopefully have photos, and you don’t do ANY OTHER HARM, and you take these loose dogs down on YOUR property you MAY avoid jail time.

      Loose animals are a problem in this part of the world. We all have to deal with hazards coming from wild animals as well and domesticated ones… so make damned sure what you’re doing, and have a reasonable attempt at proof or you will suffer legal ramifications.

      God help you if you fug it up.

    • #19380

      Tiger, you are bang on.

      I’m sick of walking my dog only to have random dogs come flying out of their yard to have ago at my dog (5 month pup)…..I’ve even had a dog that was chained come out of the yard and length of the house next to it, that’s how long the chain was, so the point of chaining it up was??? I’m already walking down the middle of the road in areas.

      There are dog owners in this town that need to step up and be responsible dog owners. I’m really getting sick of this, it is getting old. People comment on how well behaved and trained my dog is. Till 3 weeks ago I was doing 10 minutes a day of training with her. Now we’re on 30 minutes a day. If you can’t set aside a time frame this small to have your dog come when it’s called and have basic commands, then you shouldn’t have a dog.

      There are dog owners that do the right thing but the scales are starting to tip otherwise from what I’ve been seeing.

    • #19381

      and pls pick up their droppings too…
      boy, signing up for a pet was more than most ever wanted never mind can handle….gooood luck with that one (dog ownership that is).

    • #19367

      yes a description would be nice- I remember some one else raging on here, about 2 dogs roaming the annex a while back…

    • #19368

      Here is the old "dogs roaming the annex" post:


    • #19369

      Look Steven, I see where your coming from, but isn’t threatening to kill the dogs a bit over the top? Although ive only been here a few months but ive had some dog problems of my own, mainly in west fernie, not the annex. But I really dont think killing the animals is the answer, maybe just belting them a few times with a solid stick could get the job down without any consequences from the officals, hope it all works out

    • #19382

      Hmmm belt the dogs so they get more aggressive, Hmmmm seams like a god idea.

      If these dogs are aggressive, belting them is going to lead to that guy getting attacked. The amount of dog sense in this town just boggles my mind………

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