puppy wanted

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    • #5301

      We recently had one of our dogs pass away. actually he was killed in a coni-bear trap in the bush. our other dog is aging and are looking to get another dog so that the old dog we have can teach the puppy the ropes. I am a excellent dog owner since i am a forestry technician and take my dog to work every day. if anyone out there hears of puppies out there please let me know. i am not really interested in pure breeds but am open to options. i am not interested in lap dogs and prefer a medium to large dog that will be able to work in the bush and bike with me in the summer

    • #13108

      Got our dog through ARF in Calgary. They rescue dogs form neighbouring reservations. Once they get the dog the train it with a foster parent. A great organization.

      Here’s a link:


    • #13109

      Please check with the Bylaw Officer at the City of Fernie (423-6817). Her name is Shirley.

      We got our dog Rudy from the pound in Fernie, he was $1 and is a retriever mix…he has truly proven to be the best dog in the world, great personality, gentle, wonderful in the outdoors.

      The Fernie pound gets dogs in periodically and they are usually from jerks who live here for a few months and want a puppy to look cool for a while to go with their temporary lifestyle. These dogs need homes!

      There’s also an SPCA in Cranbrook.

      Good luck.

    • #13110

      thanks for the link to arf in calgary we will definately keep an eye on it.

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