Park Place Lodge

Politicians at the Trough

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    • #6790

      :cry: Fernie council is proposing a pay raise for themselves, roughly 60% !!!!!
      To rub salt in the wound, they are once again raising taxes, I understand 3%.
      Where is all the money going ? Taxes have increased every year for the last 10 years and yet Fernie has enjoyed an unprecedented increase in the tax coffers every year for 10 years.
      Once again the taxpayers should be looking at City hall itself, staffing levels of the highly paid kind have and still are increasing, we have a fire department that is going totally unchecked and yet the “worker bee’s” of the city are finding thier numbers reducing, does the phrase “To many chiefs and not enough indians” ring any bells ?

    • #15163

      What do you expect? They are a group of self serving individuals looking for a greater purpose.

      Having said that, considering a 60% raise, one would be foolish to entertain the role?

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