Park Place Lodge

One Bedroom Condo – Rented

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    • #8447

      A one-bedroom condo, in the Annex;
      just a few blocks from main street, across the bridge from the hitching spot and steps away from the river, becomes available for rent at the start of January through the end of March 2009.

      A fully furnished apartment with private entrance and balcony.
      Laundry facilities (coin) & sauna in the building.

      Would be a great space for an independent professional or a casual couple. $1000/month (includes heat, hydro & internet). I’d like sign on for either a 6month or longer lease.

      For more information and photos write to

    • #16449

      Hello, my name is Kendra Kerbs. I am from Regina Saskatchewan and I am moving to Fernie dec.1st. I Am very intersted in your Condo, Please send me pics. The dates available (jan-march/09) are perfect for me. Me and a friend are moving for the winter, we already have full time employment and now we just need a place to rent. we have a temporary place to stay until jan. PLease email me at I tried emailing you at your yahoo acount but it wouldnt send??

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