Notice – Request for Proposal Elk Valley Community Priorities Plan

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    • #22569

      The Regional District of East Kootenay is seeking proposals from professional consultants to assist in the development of the Elk Valley Community Priorities Plan which will establish key strategic priorities to support sustainable socio-economic development in all communities within the Elk Valley Subregion. The Plan will identify Valley-wide strategic priorities, specify action items to fulfill the vision and mission of the Elk Valley Community Directed Funds Committee, and guide the allocation of funding.

      Request for Proposal details are available on our website (select Tenders/RFP). Please review the full package prior to submitting a proposal.

      Proposals with the subject line, “RFP – Elk Valley Community Priorities Plan” must be sent by email to Lee-Ann Crane, Chief Administrative Officer, at The deadline for receipt of proposals is Friday, June 14, 2013 at 4:30 pm (local time). Submissions received after this time will be returned to the sender.

      Until 4:30pm, local time, Monday, June 10, 2013, inquiries and requests for more information can be directed, in writing, to:

      Lee-Ann Crane, CAO
      Regional District of East Kootenay
      Andrew McLeod
      RDEK Manager of Planning & Development Services

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