Park Place Lodge

Nice water saving, Fernie!

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    • #9073

      To the lady from the gas station on the highway using the watering hose instead of a broom to clean the asphalt… To the man on 8th st washing the whole street in front of his house…. To this other man in the annex watering his grass(!) in april… What’s wrong with you??? And the season has just begun!!!!!!! Please do your part and help save the water! I can’t wait for the time we will receive water bills, maybe if it’s not free anymore people will be more conscious of how much water they are wasting…

      Have a great summer!

    • #16977

      and i guess the golf course is watered with fernie’s city drinking water…..brilliant…

    • #16976

      At this time Fernie’s water issue is not supply but rather the content.

      Organizations such as Teck, Fernie Alpine Resort, Fernie Golf Club, City Of Fernie, and development as a whole are polluting the Elk River.

      This is why the Elk River is on the BC Rivers Endangered list.

    • #16978

      The issue is not how much water is used or if it goes back to the Elk River, its to get people aware that there is a global issue about the drinking water that we cannot ignore anymore. If people carry on that magic thought that water is endless (and that it doesn’t really matters, it goes back to the Elk River), we are in trouble here.

    • #16979

      unfortunately it is very expensive to put in h2o meters…..but paying for what was coNsumed would be the only way to get SOme ppl to cut back a bit on their driveway/street washing and over watering their lawns.
      i guess we’ll all have to flush our toilets 1 less time/ day to help conserve the water these wasters are wasting. dble wipe, skip every 2nd flush….

    • #16980

      ……….perfect! and let the rain water yer lawns and wash yer driveway! we are gettin some where now kiddos! rock on

    • #16981

      theres a great swimming hole up above Fairy falls were the water is so clean , my dogs love it and my little potbelly pig digs it to ,

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