Park Place Lodge

New Griz Days Pin

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    • #6738


    • #15124

      Hah! Flasher, that is exactly what he looks like. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong! As mentioned in a certain publication this month, the whole Mardi Gras theme is a little confusing. Griz Days always had it’s own theme – ie, the Griz, so not sure why we needed a whole new theme. If it aint broke don’t fix it! The folks in charge are working very hard to keep Griz days a sucess, but I never did like the Mardi Gras theme, I like the down-to-earth, axe throwing, beer chugging, sled racing, mountain man! I don’t think he needs those beads!

    • #15125

      Yup those pins are the biggest abomination since a bunch of businesses tried to capitalize on the Mogul Smoker. We should all feel a sence of comfort living in these mountains. Yet instead we give our money to MADD knowing damned well its just gonna spawn another uneducational, misleading, and most likely poorly researched TV commercial, or ad campaign. (Party Program is actually where the money went I believe)
      Still I cant help but think, Isn’t there an easier way to encourage youth to not drink and drive? The belt or 2×4 comes to mind.
      The money should go towards having some alternative energy sources placed in the area. We can build a lake, we just can’t keep it clean. Or maybe the city would be smart and put the money into a contest to win free rent for a year on second avenue. (Lets try and figure out how many pins we’d need to sell for that).

      This town sold out on itself when the Griz was removed as the Symbol for the hill. This society sold out on itself back in the early days of Esso Vs Macs.

      Wonder how long before penguins start migrating here?
      Quick Funny Fact a group of sheep is known as a clutch. There. You might have learned something.

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