Park Place Lodge

need a babysitter for 2 dogs!!!

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    • #9343

      i have an alaskan malamute and a black lab that I need someone to look after until july 24thish mostly for nights and during the after noon. i am moving to a place for a month where i cant have them if you have any idea where we would be able to keep them pls call 2504230831 I am willing to pay around $200.00 for a little less then a month

      Michelle or Jeremy

    • #17224

      Have you looked into the boarding program at the Humaine Society in Cranbrook? It’s really cheap, they walk your dogs, take care of them, and house them as a fundraising project for the Humaine Society. I think it’s close to 8 dollars a day. Just in case you can’t find someone to watch your dogs.



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