Mogul Smoker
- This topic has 73 replies, 28 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 3 months ago by
December 1, 2005 at 5:40 pm #5980
ParticipantHi, could someone fill me in on what that sign out on that gargage on the way to the mountain is that says ‘Mogul Smoker’? what is that?
December 1, 2005 at 6:36 pm #14290
Todd W.
Participantits a party for the griz, basicaly you sacrafice your old ski gear/brain cells to him. as long as its not a “high school rave party” like last year, or the year before, it should be great. the real mogul smoker is not to be confused with the fake one r crs doing on the 10th, thats just a discrase to the griz
December 4, 2005 at 4:07 pm #14291
December 4, 2005 at 8:29 pm #14292
ParticipantAs you guys are now aware the Mogul Smoker is being held this year, and for the first time in the 5 or so years that I have been coming to Fernie its going to happen before Xmas!
Tickets are available from the Royal Hotel, $15 includes transport all night from town, Lots of Music, Heated Tents, Lots of Beer and Mogul Smoker. Promo material will be up around town as soon as we get them back from the printers, but in the mean time tell all your friends, its a happening thing.
December 6, 2005 at 2:55 pm #14293
ParticipantI hear the ‘mogul smoker’ will be bussing tourists out coal creek road to the usual spot. Looks like a cash grab to me, not an offering to The Griz or to Ullr.
Do your research folks….see if this is really a mogul smoker or just a reason for a bar to generate more beer sales.
Ask anyone what a mogul smoker is. You will find there is no beer in a mogul smoker.
December 6, 2005 at 5:10 pm #14294
December 7, 2005 at 12:33 am #14295
ParticipantTo everyone out there with negative opinions of the 2005 mogul smoker, please read the following. (For all of those people who have been hugely supportive and excited about the upcoming mogul smoker, thank you very much and I promise you all an awesome time).
The mogul smoker has always been a good party, but I would love to see it be a great one.
You cannot have bands and djs and sound equipment without some sort of funding. I can’t remember a mogul smoker that has had good music that suited all tastes (and I can’t remember a mogul smoker that didn’t have beer, and I don’t remember a mogul smoker drink that actually was drinkable).
There will be over 15 bands and dj’s at this years mogul smoker and I would love to pay them what they’re worth. There are also people in charge of lighting and visuals who I feel deserve some sort of compensation for their art.
I believe in supporting local businesses as much as possible, and most of the businesses have been hugely supportive of this event, not for the money, just so that people can see how much fun Fernie can be. The Royal Hotel have put in alot of work helping us organise the event. They are doing all the ticket sales and coordinating transport on the night. All this work is being done free of charge, and we thank them immensely.
This years location for the mogul smoker is a template for future mogul smokers, because if all goes well, next years mogul smoker will be bigger and better. All of the proceeds of this years mogul smoker are going towards the musicians, visual artisits, graphic designers, helpers, local businesses and IF there is any money left over, a good portion will go towards a charity that will be posted on the mogul smoker website after the party (we don’t want to get them excited until we know for sure that there will be any money left over –
The organizers of this event are not doing it to make money, they just want to cover the huge expense that this type of party generates.
It’s great to see that a little garage door can generate so much response. Please, bring on the comments…
For those of you who are in for a good party, please buy your tickets as soon as you can afford them so that we have enough beer (and mogul smoker drink) for everyone. If we need any help, we’ll post it on the website….
Jenn & Mark -
December 7, 2005 at 7:48 am #14296
ParticipantI type this well aware of the fact that I am being a “typical local”:
I can’t even begin to explain how disgusting this is. Marko, in the mere five or so years you have been coming to Fernie, you should have realized that the Mogul Smoker is an age old tradition in Fernie and no one has ever paid anyone besides the taxi shuttle to be able to attend it. Paid musicians and heated tents (what kind of sissies are coming to town these days?) are not a requirement for this party. Bring your own drinks, start a couple huge bon fires, get some guys with big stereos in their trucks, or have someone donate a generator to power a DJ who is willing to donate his time, invite the entire town, sacrifice some equipment, dress warm and go hard all night long, end of story. I can appreciate an attempt to make some money for yourself and others, but do it respectably. The Mogul Smoker is already a donation to our town, so basically you’re ripping off one charity to give to another. You would love to see it be a “great” party…like what? Like a rock concert? A rave perhaps? Its the Mogul Smoker and it is what it is, and it remains that way because it has always been a great party! The Mogul Smoker is about sacrifices, not monetary gain or even compensation. I believe that your party will be a great success, I appreciate the effort to bring Fernie a well organized, enjoyable event but to claim The Mogul Smoker as your own is where you went wrong. I say after this fraud, we all get together and do it properly. I’m disgusted with The Royal, I’m disgusted by the intrusion of these new Mogul Smoker “organizers” and I hang my head in shame for The Griz. Sorry Big Guy. Please bring the snow anyways. -
December 7, 2005 at 3:18 pm #14297
ParticipantReally what stops me from driving my buddies to Coal Creek and joining the party. Forget the $15. Anyway see you there, should be fun!!
December 7, 2005 at 4:00 pm #14298
ParticipantHey Gavitron and Griz-Boy
Gavitron – Firstly I want to say I’m sorry if we have offended you in any way. It disappoints me that there in this negative attitude towards people trying to do something good in this town. We have already spent countless hours on the phone, organizing entertainment, transportation, lots of beer, and various other fun stuff (all in our own time) so as anyone who is prepared to part with $15 can have a good time.
We are under no misconception that The Mogul Smoker is a Fernie tradition and are in no way claiming it as our own. Me and my partner just want everyone to have a good party, and good parties cost money. Sure a bonfire with a bunch of diehard locals and a few out of town ski bums may have been a good party in the 80’s, and if you were to organise it this year I’m sure it would still be a good time. But we have taken the initiative to organise it this year and its very disappointing that you seem to want to bash it.
Please keep in mind that we are making no money whatsoever out of this and all the services are provided by local businesses, and at this stage funded out of our pockets. Last year they charged $10 and you didn’t get any alcohol, this year we are putting on lots as part of the ticket price. I find it confusing that you say we are ripping off charity. The funding for the party is coming from ticket sales and our pockets.
Griz Boy – please don’t try and drive out to the party and come for free. Everyone that comes for free means that I pay. I have already spent shit loads of time and money organising this and its just not really very nice.
PS who said it was at Coal Creek anyway?
Basically, if you don’t want to come don’t, but if you want a great time with lots of good music and alcohol (all for $15, $15 buck man) then come, bring your friends and have a good time.
Thanks alot
Mark -
December 7, 2005 at 4:30 pm #14299
ParticipantWhy rip off the Mogul Smoker tradition? And its not just you its FAR. Something as sacred as sacrificing skiis to the Griz should not be taking lightly. As for saying the tradition is lost. Well yes I think it is but don’t bastardize it. Come up with your own idea instead of stealing one.
For the record I am going and I hope it fun but its not “The Mogul Smoker”. Plus my shuttle is only $10. Kidding.
Is there even going to be Mogul Smoker drinks flowing? If not you should have the GRIZ pale ale.
December 7, 2005 at 4:44 pm #14300
ParticipantI say, congrats to people for actually making an effort on other people’s behalf. People need to start moving on from the past! Mogul Smoker, Tailgate party, Mardi Gras, whatever you want to frikkin call it, I say, just go have fun!
It’s time for people to let go of the past in this town. Things are changing, and some things are good and some are bad. Don’t wear your “local” badge and complain about everything being bastardized. Do something positive instead.
Cheers to Marko for at least trying to make an effort. It takes a lot of work to put together a party like this and I for one am looking forward to it.
Here’s to a good season for everyone.
December 7, 2005 at 5:14 pm #14301
ParticipantMogul Smoker will be flowing – carefully brewed and tested to make it as farkin tasty as possible and fernie brewing co is giving us a deal on some beer. Would pay a bring a little extra in case it runs out in the early hours though…..
Look forward to seeing ya all there
Rock On
December 7, 2005 at 10:28 pm #14302
ParticipantHERE HERE…
Gavitron, i am suprsed to find you bashing the mogul smoker, at the same time as telling everyone that they shouldn’t be bashing RCR. what sense does that make, I am sure Marko is not a billionaire oil man, he is just a guy who wants to party…(?)
I was unsure if i was going to go, like the rest of you, i did not want to pay the money and get bussed out to god knows where, but now, i think that the mogul smoker, and the GRIZ need our support, and shit, i would spend easy 15 bucks at the bar that night…so lets all get behind this thing and make it ROCK like the old days, (has anyone contacted BC/DC) i think they are playing in Elkford soon…
And Marko, if you happen to make thousands of dollars throwing this party, you can help all the locals subsidise their million dollar ski passes..
thank you RCR, and Marko for taking care of all us ski bums
December 7, 2005 at 11:26 pm #14303
Participantjudging by the viewed by numbers for this post, there is a slient majority in the audience. i think some more positives posts are needed to counteract the more negative comments. it seems to me, tons of people in town are stoked about this here snow shaker, not for how close it will resemble mogul smokers of previous years, but for the kicker that this year’s party will be.
dear mogul smoker jokers,
if you want to complain, please simply refrain.
refrain from,
getting down on those who care,
who show some soul and want to share.from undercutting this self-less joe,
who’s gone on the line for all our snowbut,
if a party mood you are in
please join us for this riteous sin.a sacrifice to our pagan griz
who brings the goods to the liz.if you’re as stoked as i am now
this will be a rager for the pow.chill on the past’s comparision,
this year’s snow is the real mission.drink the brew, smoke some pot,
enjoy the smoker for what it is, not what it’s not. -
December 7, 2005 at 11:27 pm #14304
Todd W.
Participantlets just get wasted and make it the best winter possible, isnt that why we all live here?
December 8, 2005 at 3:44 pm #14305
ParticipantCan I bring my skiis to offer up to the Griz?
Surely you would want to please the Griz and burn a few skis and not bastardize the name (and the coming snow this season) by holding a mogul smoker without the offerings. I have not seen any info about this.
Will you allow me on the transport when i bring my skiis?
December 11, 2005 at 12:17 am #14306
December 11, 2005 at 12:38 am #14307
December 12, 2005 at 11:33 am #14308
ParticipantMarko, good luck with your party, the only mistake was that you should have called it Mogul Smoker II or Mogul Smoker for the twenty first century and then everybody would have been happy – parties are a good thing!
If anyone is having a real mogul smoker I;d love to come. A true mogul smoker cannot involve money, its just bad karma and very uncool to piss off the griz. Powder here we come!!!
Happy skiing all! -
December 12, 2005 at 11:11 pm #14309
Participantso how was the party?
December 12, 2005 at 11:14 pm #14310
Participantor has it happened yet? it used to be held before the hill opened.
December 14, 2005 at 3:28 pm #14311
ParticipantJust beep beep whistle whistle music?
No rock and roll?
No Burnin skis?
just pallets?
25 dollars at the door?
I was in, now i am out…
sorry, best of luck with the party,
hope it rocks,
December 14, 2005 at 3:33 pm #14312
huckin eh
ParticipantYippeeekaiyay for the mogul smoker!
Unfortunately I will not be in town, but $15 bucks doesn’t sound bad for live bands, complimentry beer and mogul juice, and a good party.
Hope the effort from the organisers pays off and its a real hit. -
December 14, 2005 at 4:56 pm #14313
ParticipantI think it will be a really fun time. I do have my differences but I have already expressed them. Still on the fence if going or not.
Who ever is organizing it please post all the specifics for the people on this forum! Times, bands, djs, tickets, where to meet for the bus, etc.
December 15, 2005 at 6:46 pm #14314
Participant$15 in advance $25 on the day,
there bands as well,
not just bleep bleep music.I’m guessing there will be a little ski burning I’m sure as we are not against ski burning itself, but we are really concerned about pollution and the environment (hey we want our children to be able to enjoy the mountain with snow as well).
All info is available on
All proceeds are going to SPCA in Cranbrook
December 15, 2005 at 7:00 pm #14315
Todd W.
Participantalright now its gone to far, you ABSOLUTLY cannot call it a mogul smoker when you cant burn skis, this oi total b.s and you relize the griz is pissed , just look at the conditions. thank you for ruining another good thing.
December 15, 2005 at 7:15 pm #14316
ParticipantWhat kind of selfish person are you whiteroom….. get a life. We have full support of the people who ran the first mogul smoker, so your negative selfish attitude is falling on deaf ears.
December 15, 2005 at 9:16 pm #14317
ParticipantTo many of you I’d be considered local, but then again to some locals I wouldn’t be. I grew up there, went to highschool there, hell I lived there for HALF of my life.
Fernie is very much a tradition oriented place, anyone who has graduated there would know this. Everything is typically the same from year to year, yea even the same as it was in the 80’s. It’s a matter of respect for one thing to keep up on traditions.
Fernie wasn’t always what it is today and yea, some of the locals need to realize that change happens. I moved from Fernie this summer because I was tired of throwing my money into someone else’s mortgage and getting screwed by local employers hiring anything but locals.
Anyway, this is besides the point. All power to you marko and whoever else it is throwing this party, sounds like it’ll be a blast. But the point has been made, it is NOT the mogul smoker. Everyone wonders why locals hate RCR and people like you so much? There is no respect for the age old traditions. Could have just thrown a party and come up with a name for it, but obviously that wouldn’t have generated the hype that has come with killing the age old tradition.
For all that go, have a great time.. But remember, it’s just a party.. not the Mogul Smoker.
December 15, 2005 at 9:24 pm #14318
December 15, 2005 at 11:20 pm #14319
ParticipantMy guess for the original mogul smoker:
Old cat shop at the ski hill…?
Keep your chin up Marko, this party might not be everybodies cup of tea, but you are still doing a good thing…unless of course you piss of the griz….
December 16, 2005 at 12:34 am #14320
ParticipantThis is actually getting kinda fun – it’s great to see Fernie-ites getting excited about something!
Sorry Marko, but Whiteroom has a point. How can you call it a Mogul Smoker if it bears absolutely no resemblance to a Mogul Smoker, other than the fact that nobody knows where it is? If you have to pay, there are real bands, there’s beer, you can’t burn skis, and ohmygod the famous brew will actually be drinkable – then it’s just not the same thing! It does sound like it will be a great night, but call it what it is and not what it isn’t!
Anywhere else this would be know as a rave – now, while I would be the last one to encourage a rave in Fernie, perhaps we could start a competition for the best new name? Raver? Ravie? Gi’ver nite?
Also Marko, the point of the Mogul Smoker was to appease the Griz, and this was done by burning skis. If you plan to discourage this, what is your alternative Griz-pleasing sacrifice? I am sure you have come up with something, as nobody wants to piss off the Griz!! -
December 16, 2005 at 5:30 pm #14321
ParticipantWhen I visited Fernie in January four years ago, I was lucky enough to go to a bush party where people burned skis, sat by the fire and drank a variety of choice beverages out of their Nalgenes. The vibe was amazing and toasts to the “Griz” could be heard throughout the night while old straight skis could be seen on the fire accompanied by many cheers. I have one question….
P.S. I never thought I would want a “Griz” to dump on my head.
December 16, 2005 at 6:14 pm #14322
Participantno burning skis. thats bullshit.
December 16, 2005 at 10:55 pm #14323
Participant$15, no burning skis, and the proceeds of this party go to a charity in CRANBROOK. Nice one.
December 16, 2005 at 11:28 pm #14324
December 16, 2005 at 11:44 pm #14325
Participantwhere you saw the tents and stuff, if it was btwn town and the ski hill, where all the rabbits are all over the highway in the summer, youve got it. as for the beginnings of the real mogul smoker, id hate to actually say any names but it used to be out in morrisey on j.m.’s property
December 17, 2005 at 5:06 am #14326
uncle kevin
ParticipantTo everyone who has been whining and crying about the Mougul Smoker breaking from the old ways (no ski burning, having to pay etc.), could you answer a question for me? If this party is such a huge part of Fernie’s tradition, then who is throwing the ‘real’ mogul smoker this winter? If you really want to stand up for what you believe in, than make it happen. Throw the damn party yourself! Keep the tradition going if thats what you really want.
I’m sure people would be stoked to attend your ‘real’ Mogul Smoker. But if its not going to happen, then maybe you should grow up a bit and support the people in your community that are actually trying to make this town a fun place to be! A lot of people are going to have a wicked night, and I think that will set the tone for a good winter.
Bring on the snow, and many cheers to the Griz on the night!!
See ya there! -
December 17, 2005 at 6:09 am #14327
ParticipantDear Uncle Kevin,
I think most of us who are bitching are also saying “hey marko, sounds like your going to be having a great party” most of them have said “thinking about checking it out” all I am saying is dont call it what its not. It does sound like it will be fun, an I have been telling people about it, but its not the Mogul smoker. The REAL mogul smoker hasn’t happened since Charlie bought the hill, I was at one of the last ones. I have been to the “new ones” and they have been ok, I don’t think I have ever paid tho, and I know I have ALWAYS tossed skies into the fire.
Yeah many cheers to the Griz, but what will we sacrafice -
December 17, 2005 at 6:22 am #14328
ParticipantFernie is the most amazing place I’ve ever lived in the whole world, ever. I’ve moved here for life (or until Walmart arrives in town). The only complaint I’ve ever had about Fernie, is the lack of a night life, seeing as dancing is my second favorite pass time to snowboarding. I’ve been to a few mogul smokers. Each one has been [b:nnooryqs]completely[/b:nnooryqs] different from the one before. I didn’t even want to throw the mogul smoker, I just wanted to have a good party, but it seemed as if everyone in town wanted to have a mogul smoker, but noone had the guts to throw one. So here we are, hours and hours of planning later and people have the audacity to say that what we are trying to do is a bad thing. I mean anyone who thinks burning skis is going to bring snow has to have the brain capacity of snowflake. Secondly, why is it so bad that we want to try to have something for everyone. Whether you want to admit it or not, Fernie is one of the most multicultural small towns in Canada, and everyone enjoys a good party. So just cough up your f***ing $15 (oh wait, you waited too long, you’re going to have to pay $25 by the time you read this) and support a new tradition, one that embraces new ideas and concepts. And the money is going to the charity that gave birth to the most precious dog who ever lived, but unfortunately died this past week. This ones for you Vixen.
PS Thanks immensely to everyone who put so much time and effort into this event, you will be rewarded from the Griz…
December 17, 2005 at 6:05 pm #14329
It’s funny you care so much about your precious dog, yet don’t give two shits about all the sled dogs next door to your house that will be tortured tonight by the loud music and drunk people that will no doubt be trying to pester them. Pretty hypocrytical, got to say.
How is everyone loving that comment Jen made about coughing the f***ing $15 or wait it’s too late now it’s $25 crap so she’ll be able to line her pockets tonight at bedtime??? (Somebody’s going to have to call the SPCA to see if they even get any money out of this)Marko and Jen:one more thing,if you actually think to do this again, learn your lesson here, CHANGE YOUR PARTY’S NAME
December 17, 2005 at 6:27 pm #14330
ParticipantHad to say one more thing to you jen.
You consider a town overwhelmingly dominated by white skin to be multicultural??? -
December 17, 2005 at 8:27 pm #14331
ParticipantSpicky, what a shitty thing to say to someone who’s dog has just been killed. And the last time I checked there were Australians, New Zealanders, English, Scottish, Irish, French, German, Swedish, Welsh, people all living here in Fernie which sounds pretty multicultural to me. Its ridiculous to define people based on the colour of their skin. Need I go on?
December 17, 2005 at 9:57 pm #14332
ParticipantMy roots are in fernie and always will be. when do you consider yourself a [b:3lyy5ohl]local[/b:3lyy5ohl] after 5 years after 10 years or after 1 year. not only was i born in fernie but my grandparents were born here as well. As far as the first mogual smoker it was held in a place were many of you probebly dont know. Fernie’s first ski hill. maybe only one run and about 40 people. It was not called the mogual smoker but later on it was named. The party praying to Griz to send us a winter full of powder happend befor many of you even exsists. Now seeing what this started with and seeing what it has turned into is not surprising. I hope everyone has fun and is safe. But please remember not very many [b:3lyy5ohl]locals[/b:3lyy5ohl](people like me) will attend this party. The thats 4 years it is a rave not a party. Have a great time!!!
December 17, 2005 at 11:00 pm #14333
ParticipantYou know I think that Spicky has a point and it is not about her own animal. It is about all those other animals that are not only someone elses livelyhood but are a concern. Those dogs are going to have to put up with loud music all night and with people potentially wanting to “visit” them. So the point is, although your own animal has passed don’t you think that you need to think about how the other animal in your neighbourhood are going to be affected.
December 18, 2005 at 12:21 am #14334
Participant[size=150:bl5etavd][b:bl5etavd]FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS SNOWY – TAKE A HINT AND CHANGE THE DAMN NAME!!!![/b:bl5etavd][/size:bl5etavd]
Jen – ohmygod, are you trying to commit verbal suicide or are you really that dumb?
1. Have you heard of something known as customer relations? You havn’t even had the event yet, and you’re already giving your potential guests a hard time? Brain capacity of a snowflake? That’s what you think of the folk who believe in one of the oldest traditions in Fernie?
2.Nobody is saying what you are doing is a bad thing, except for maybe your neighbour there with the sled dogs, and I gotta say he does have a point. Having an all night rave in a residential area full of domestic animals may not be the brightest idea, particularly if your chosen charity is the SPCA.
3.If you are starting a new tradition, why did you steal an old name instead of coming up with your own? And what ideas and concepts exactly? Getting pissed and keeping up the neighbourhood? Hell, I’ve done that plenty of times and it don’t take much brainstorming to make it happen! And if you’re talking about the fundraising, that’s hardly new either, and there’s plenty of worthy charities in Fernie.
4.Multicultural means a lot more than coming from different countries (especially if the ones noted all pretty much have the same lifestyle and, dare I say it, …culture…) – but I’m not about to get into a race war.
5.I actually thought what you guys were doing was okay in itself, if only you would stop trying to make it something it wasn’t. Now I’m not so sure – “just cough up your f***g $15” etc, really isn’t the Fernie attitude I know and love…I am involved in several local charity events and I don’t think that’s a phrase I would use…And I’m still waiting for someone to tell me what your replacement to burning skis will be (ie, the whole point of the mogul smoker…)
Good luck with your party, I hope every one has a great time, and I hope you can forgive a few concerned citizens who just want to preserve a memeto of the old Fernie, and encourage people to start NEW traditions instead of stealing old ones…
December 18, 2005 at 3:27 am #14335
ParticipantI have to say my piece after reading the entire forum on the mogul smoker from start to finish. It is now almost 8:00 and the music just got started. I was approached by my neighbours Mark and Jen about their desire to host the mogul smoker. I have known them for a few years and knew it would not be the mogul smoker we all knew and loved, but it would be a great party. I was not pleased about having a huge party next door, not only for the noise but for my dogs. I also knew that no matter how I felt the party would go on so I am trying to stay positive but I would be lying if I said I was happy about it.
Mark and Jen have put a lot of time and engergy into this party (notice my inability to call it a Mogul Smoker) and a great party I am sure it will be, and yes I will go over and have a drink or two and enjoy myself as well but as it has been said over and over it is not a mogul smoker. A new name should be christenend and a new Fernie tradition should be started with this party. I think Fernie needs more parties, more festivals and more special events and fun things to do but I also think the history and old traditions should be honored as well. Old traditions fell by the wayside when Charlie and RCR came to town and I must admit I don’t ski much anymore on the hill and I became a volunteer ski patroler in order to help yes but also to avoid having to pay the odd day I decide to ski. I started my own business, dogsledding so I am forward thinking and I do realize how the town has changed, and that we must move forward. Fernie is a town fortunate enough to attract many nationalities but to call it multicultural is a bit of a stretch. I have not met anyone here in Fernie that can teach me about another culture, we are mostly caucasian, and all the places of worship in this community celebrate Christianity. I haven’t seen any Mosks, or Synagogues, or Islamic temples here and when my Sikh friend came to visit every head on the street turned to look. I know where Jen comes from, I am from almost the same place and my in my highschool of 2000, we had over 40 religions and had students from over 55 countries. THat is multicultural, and to be honest I don’t know what multiculturalism has to do with a party.
I am not a local although I hope after 7 years I am on my way. Lots of people know me because of my work, I am involved in this community and volunteer all year long. I love Fernie, I love the small town values and I love the fact that people are arguing over a party for the principal behind it’s name. I was fortunate to be able to ski here when it was snow valley and I miss that place, I would love to have a real mogul smoker again but I don’t have the time to throw one myself and I would support anyone who does. I think it is great that Mark and Jen are having this party and they are trying something new, but that’s just it, it is something new and should have a new name, and take on a life of it’s own. It has been said before that since RCR came about and the old mogul smoker died out the Griz has been angry and our snow has not come. Let’s keep the griz happy!!
I thank all of you for standing up for small town traditions , for realizing that there are locals here and that this town is about more than seasonal residence and tourists even though it is these people that allow many of us to earn a living, myself included.
Thank you to Spicky and Ducky for standing up for my dogs even though I don’t know who you are. It is appreciated because us and our dogs will all be up all night with a party next door and I had to take time off of work to make sure my dogs are safe tonight. We also had to turn down a booking tomorrow on account that the dogs will be tired and stressed come morning.
I wish Mark and Jen success with their party but wish that newcomers like them (and myself) would continue to honor local traditions while starting our own.
December 18, 2005 at 4:50 am #14336
ParticipantWell said!
Hope everyone has a great time tonight at the rave..
December 18, 2005 at 6:17 am #14337
ParticipantYeah, even the ski hill changed it’s name when it started to suck…
Just joking
I hope all goes well tonight and everybody stays safe..
and the ski hill doesn’t suck…
December 18, 2005 at 8:28 am #14338
ParticipantWell so far so good I have only had to bounce about 15 shitheads pissing
in my yard and trying to walk around my kennel. The party is pretty well
behaved. But after 02:00 stay the hell out of my yard please. -
December 19, 2005 at 12:17 am #14339
ParticipantWow. I don’t think I could have asked for a better party. I can’t even thank everyone enough for all your hard work and support and for making it the best party ever (as several people were quoted to have said many, many times throughout the evening.) 5 amazing bands (who would all tell you that the party was NOT just a rave):
Red Ant Army
A Certain Something
Identity Crisis
The Turrettes
BDFM12 fantastic DJ’s (and 1 MC):
DJ Irie Been Jammin’
DJ Lucas
DJ Cona
DJ Paddy Blue
DJ Avid Pupil
DJ Proph (my personal favorite from the evening)
DJ Cain & MC 420
Southern Spinners
Yanic PanicYou are all more than welcome to come back next year.
To the lighting crew, who not only created the coolest design, but also came back to help take it down and help clean up.
To the best roommates EVER, without them it couldn’t have happened.
To Justin, Rhett and all the crew at the Royal, couldn’t have done it without you.
To the best girl in Fernie, Keya, the best graphic designer in town, a fantastic artist, and one of the best friends a girl could ever ask for.
And to all of you wicked party people out there who stayed out all night in -28 degree weather – your enthusiasm was contagious.
I’m not one for breaking tradition, but I would rather continue the tradition (while making minor adjustments) than losing the tradition altogether. The party was, and always has been, a gathering of friends to celebrate the upcoming season and paying our respects to the Griz. And I think that the Griz was suitably impressed.
Fernie, you rock….
December 19, 2005 at 3:47 pm #14340
December 19, 2005 at 6:31 pm #14341
ParticipantGreat party!
I do feel sympathetic to the neighbours, guys were pissing on their property all night and morning long, as well as the noise till 6am. So a big THANKS for your toleration! I do beleive I met the owner of that house and he was a really good guy.
$15 was a deal. I got about 5 drinks in before they tapped out. But the music was a bonus!
December 20, 2005 at 9:54 am #14342
ParticipantAs far as throwing big parties goes, props to Mark and Jen. Although I stuck to my guns and didn’t attend, I couldn’t help but do a drive-by to see how things turned out. I have talked to people who attended the party and they seemed to have had a great time. Congrats on the turn out!
As for your neighbours, you are very fortunate to have them as I am sure they tolerated all sorts of chaos.
My hope is that one day I will be able to attend the traditional mogul smoker once again. And for the record, its not snowing. -
December 20, 2005 at 9:21 pm #14343
Shall I reserve your ticket for next year??
And special thanks goes out to my very tolerant neighbours (sorry I missed you in my last email!!) you were great and I appreciate everything you had to put up with.
Thanks again Fernie, and I’ll let you know when the photo’s will be posted onto the website (…
January 24, 2006 at 3:08 pm #14344
ParticipantOkay Kids,
Looks like you guys did something right…?
The Griz seems to have been lured back to town…?
Ski your face off…!
January 24, 2006 at 3:47 pm #14345
January 24, 2006 at 5:47 pm #14346
ParticipantYo Sparkes,
is the cup half empty or half full in your world…
the season up until now has been fantastic, and we have lots left, yes it could rain today, but does that mean that all those powder days didnt happen?
January 25, 2006 at 4:48 pm #14347
ParticipantJust curious. I never heard anything else about donating all the profit from the party to the SPCA. How much?
January 28, 2006 at 3:22 am #14348
January 28, 2006 at 7:54 pm #14349
Participant"Griz-Boy":3quqnkxp wrote:Just curious. I never heard anything else about donating all the profit from the party to the SPCA. How much?[/quote:3quqnkxp]The Donation was gratefully received by the Cranbrook SPCA just before Christmas….
Welcome back Griz!!! You do love a good party….
January 28, 2006 at 11:44 pm #14350
ParticipantYou guys are better than politicians, I don’t think a single question has received a straight answer on this entire forum!
The question was HOW MUCH not where did it go!
I understand from rumours Griz boy that the total donation was $500.
January 29, 2006 at 2:25 am #14351
Participantcome on ……. let it go …. the party was great , these boys and girls got off there asses and made it happen , its our deepest winter in 3yrs , so the griz is happy, you should be happy…..and give the dog abone
January 29, 2006 at 5:36 am #14352
ParticipantAhh, re, how easily we forget…
It would be nice to just let it go but I personally am still a little upset at the way it was handled. That “just cough up your f***ing $15” still sticks in my throat a little. Really not the attitude that Fernie thrives on, and yet we never got an apology.
LOADS of questions were asked of the organisers, and yet after the first few responses from Mark, it just turned into a mudslinging competition, with very few actual facts about the event being offered. That’s what a forum is all about, opinions, good and bad. Several times the SPCA donation has been mentioned and still no real answer…Sometimes it might not be pretty, but it gives people a chance to show their feelings and to get the facts out there, and in this case, the organisers didn’t seem interested in that…Just because the party was a sucess in itself, doesn’t make it okay to trash other people in the run-up…
I notice even you can’t bring yourself to call it a Mogul Smoker! And for the record, it was raining two days after the event.
Thanks to the Griz for all the awesome snow and bluebird days, Griz you rock! Now can we have some more visitors???
January 30, 2006 at 5:08 am #14353
Participantsee, your still picking negitives….ie r
two days later………come on sister live a little ……only the true know not to even write the R word, ..with all the pow pow were getting your still back there in the R— ooch, life is to short , get out there and get some face shots and be happy -
January 30, 2006 at 6:33 am #14354
Participantre, instead of picking out the negatives from my post yourself, why not answer the questions? What are you afraid of?
I [i:3pwicalu]know[/i:3pwicalu] the party was a success, people got drunk and listened to music, woohoo, awesome. Good on the punters for braving the cold.
I [i:3pwicalu]know[/i:3pwicalu] it’s snowing, I can see that out of my window. I’m happy ’bout that as anyone, and I’ll be up there this week hollering my way down the Currie bowl, getting my share of faceplants and drinking overpriced beer at the Griz bar. Yey Griz!! Cheers baby!!
Buuuuut, you’re still not getting the point are you??? I’ve already written a post on the Snow forum to tell all the Calgarians who are are baking in 10 degree weather to get their buts down here and spend some moolah and enjoy our amazing whitestuff.
The whole point of this string was about the event, and it became about how it was being handled. Which wasn’t good. How does great pow pow make it okay for people to trash a Fernie tradition, ignore the requests of several locals, and abuse potential visitors by swearing at them on a public forum???? -
January 30, 2006 at 5:35 pm #14355
huckin eh
ParticipantHere here!
Answer the question!
What was the amount of the Donation? -
February 19, 2006 at 1:57 am #14356
ParticipantWell guys, thanks for the support from all of you who have been positive and supportive toward what we were doing/did. My skin has become increasingly thick after all the backlash I have had. I hadn’t been on the forum in so long as my days have been filled with fresh turns, work and a new puppy.
Its a shame that some of you feel that you didn’t get all your questions answered and issues resolved before the party, but did you really expect us to be sitting in front of a PC just to answer questions from people who were anti the party? Come on guys, I slept 8 hours in three days, and every waking hour was spent sorting the party (sob sob), but I loved it…..
Immediately before the party I had some dude try and beat me up, as he was convinced we were in it for the money, well sorry to disappoint, but we made absolutely nothing, and spent probably 100 hours organising it. My roommates, partner and I even did all the cleanup ourselves the following day – thanks heaps guys, wicked job….
I spent the few hours before the party dealing with the RCMP, which again turned out awesomely, but could have cost me alot of money.
All in all we are really stoked on how it went on the night, no fights, no visible damage, no police issues, and enough firewood to keep everyone from totally freezing.
[b:2t7v2shp]Thanks everyone that came, you were wicked, keep your eyes on the garage for details of another party….[/b:2t7v2shp]
For the record, the donation was $500, and yes I do have a receipt. Parties like that are expensive eh!
February 19, 2006 at 4:46 pm #14357
ParticipantGreat thread all.
Heres a challenge fer yas : Both sides of the “non for profit” “Mogul Smoker” event start planning now, with technologies assistance to try and pool together some entertainment etc. for next years event.
I think profits from such should go towards more local organizations, but I’m sure if we all pool resources now, 300 hrs of organizing, can seem like one short season of adapting.
Im sure there are many people in the area that would love to contribute to this event. If we take our time and work together with the right attitude, maybe opprah will come down and buy us all gin and juice.
Well gtg to church of the universe eh. Smokin one fer the griz right now.
September 22, 2006 at 2:54 pm #14358
Participanti just thought that it was time to get this string going again, since it is the season for it, and i can smell the stinky smell of burnin p-tex, and plastic on the horizon.. winter is just around the corner brothers and sisters, lets make this one one to remember…
September 27, 2006 at 12:23 am #14359
huckin eh
Whats the deal?Is Marko having it at the same place?
Any date set?
I wasn’t in town for the last one but hope to be this year!
November 15, 2006 at 7:08 pm #14360
ParticipantI heard the party got cancelled this year.
They couldn’t secure permits.
correct me if I am wrong……
November 18, 2006 at 4:35 am #14361
November 21, 2006 at 1:13 am #14362
Participantits going to happen
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88.2 in | 251.6 in |

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