Park Place Lodge

March – Month of Rain

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    • #6797

      What make Dec – Jan – Feb so great was a lack of rain.

      We’re getting it now.

      I declare that March be labeled the month of rain!

    • #15167

      You obviously haven’t been in Fernie long, you’ll get a lot of virtual smacks for mentioning the R word.

      Not gonna help our tourist trade much, ‘specially with us being in Peak (hah! what????) season now for lift tickets.

      Might be a positive on the City side though, we need water upgrades, the more rain and icky water we have, the more likely we are to get the work done that is needed. It seems that water quality advisories don’t get issued on the weekends, but I’ve already posted the notices, I’ll bet we’d be getting an email right now if there was anyone in the office on a saturday.

    • #15168

      heap of pow pow to come , looks like a major storm coming in by mid week, could be the biggest of the season, ha the month of R
      ski it to love it :twisted:

    • #15169

      sweet,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yup so nice :D

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