Park Place Lodge


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    • #8545

      My dog was spooked by gun shots out on Coal Creek Road on Saturday Nov 15. We believe she made it back into town, but we can’t find her. If you have seen her, or if you find her, PLEASE call me. She is blonde with a white chest, and black "eye-liner". She looks a little like a pit bull, but is a boxer-lab cross. She is very scared of strangers. She has severe hip dysplacia and needs her medicines, so she may be limping or curled up on a porch somewhere. She is loved Dearly and we want her back. She my answer to Liberty or Ducky (she has a lot of nick-names). Please call me. 250-430-1416
      She has been seen in the mountain view area near the trailer park on Cokato road several times. Please keep an eye out for her. If you see her, don’t try to catch her, just call me because she will probably bolt if you try to get her.
      See pictures on

    • #16544

      She has been found out at Trit Trot Farms. Thank you SOOOO much to everyone for helping me look for her. I appreciate it!!!! I’m just so happy to finally have her home after 10 days.

    • #16545

      That’s fantastic news. I have not been able to get onto the forums until now, and have been concerned this last week, looking out for Liberty every time I went for a run. I noticed today that the missing signs were taken down, and thought I should check the forum once again.

      Can’t believe she was all the way out at Trit Trot!

      Keep her close from now on. :-)

      Adrian + Anne

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