Park Place Lodge

Looking to Rent, Long-term

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    • #7057

      Looking for a small house or room to rent. I have a medium sized dog who is basically non-existant, doesn’t bark, is house trained, and well-behaved. I’m looking at spending the rest of the year and spring of next in Fernie working and am eager to find a place close to most amenities that can guarantee a non-threatening rent increase in the winter.

      Furnished or unfurnished. Pets preferable. Single or multi-tenant. Smoking/non. Just want to hang out in the Rockies.

    • #15379

      Hey! My name is Xavier and my girlfriend Denise. We are on the same boat you are. We have an awesome 5-year old dog that means the world to us. If you are looking for roomates let us know. We are really scratching our heads at the moment. It seems like nobody likes dogs. Our dog rarely ever barks, is house trained, loves children and is confortable around other dogs. If you find anything, let us know please and we will do the same. I am raft guide here in Ontario. and I am looking to work somewhere else next summer. So hopefully the elk river. my email’s Cheers and good luck

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