Park Place Lodge

Looking for Room to Rent

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    • #10167

      Hello, I’m a Swedish, 20 year old guy who am coming to Fernie 9:th of january and is in great need of a place to sleep while I’m there. I’m planning to stay until at least april if I can get hold of a job while I’m there, otherwise I will stay til’ around march depending on the rent and all that (my money stash ain’t infinitive, hehe) , just to snowboard for some months.

      I don’t make a mess around me, stays active and I guess I’m pretty funny to hang around with. Feel free to contact me on
      or at my phone (really expensive) +46734159007. Don’t mind the 9 hour time difference in that case. I’m awake most of the time anyhow.

    • #17977

      Still in great need of a room. If you got a room to spare/share with me, please contact me on my email and drop a telephone-number or something and I will try call you back as soon as I can (very soon) or email you back if you don’t want to speak to me haha.

      I’m very easy going and have no problem paying for the whole of January even if I arrive the 10:th. Just need a room very much, hehe.

      I arrive in the middle of the night to Fernie and would be glad if I could sleep on a couch or something if I don’t find a living. Just for the night, so I don’t have to freeze myself to death. :(

    • #17978

      i have a room for you email me the room is not free till tuesday but just go to the hostel till then. its right across the road from the bus stop. come meet us and see what you think.

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