Looking for a room / room mates for the coming ski season

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    • #23431

      My name is Kevin, I’m an easy going 22 year old male looking for a room or other people to share a place with for the coming ski season.
      I just finished school in Ontario and I’m really excited to be ski instructing at Fernie resort for the coming season. I enjoyed living with room mates for the past four years and would definitely be interested in doing the same in Fernie. I’m friendly and clean, and not picky about where I stay.

      I’m looking for a place starting sometime in December until the end of the ski season.
      I’m open to different options, including getting together with similar people to find a place.

      If you have any suggestions for me, or have any questions, feel free to email me at fritkev@gmail.com. I’d really appreciate it!


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