Park Place Lodge

Latest snow conditions and resort tips……..?

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    • #7476

      Hi everyone I am new to this board. I am 27years old and from Preston England and I am coming to Fernie 20th feb for a 10 night holiday with two of my mates. After a great trip last year to Banff we have decided to try another Canadian resort, so any tips would be great on everything and anything?! We are staying at the Best Western If thats in a good spot or not? Thanks in advance for any replys!!

    • #15739

      Hey Stuart,

      I don’t live in fernie, but I’m going to be arriving the day before you in February. I go every year at this time (fifth annual trip this year, lol) and you won’t be dissapointed. It’s a great town without all the trendy shit & overpopulation that comes with Banff (though it’s growing every year). You’re going at a good time, the week before is usually pretty busy (Alberta, the neighbouring province has a long weekend & the hill gets pretty packed on those days), so lines should be shorter & with a little luck there’ll be some fresh snow for us after they’re gone! Anyways, I’m pretty sure the Best Western is right on the main drag, so you can walk alot to pubs & restaraunts or take a cab. The hill is less than a ten minute drive from town, there are shuttle buses that’ll take you there for a reasonable price, or lots of folks just hitch there. There are 5 bars (if they’re all still open), so with 10 nights you can hit them all twice, lol. I recomend the Blue Toque for breakfast. You’ll have a great time anyways, super friendly people, great riding, great times! See you there.

    • #15740
    • #15741

      Thanks Schneiderman and Rudy-Admin , the resort sounds better and better the more you read about it and I cant wait to give it ago before it get a lot more popular and looses it charm!?! The snow reports are also looking very nice at the min, hopefully they will keep rising!

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