Park Place Lodge

It’s up to you.

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    • #7512

      Its up to the people of Fernie now. Yes I’m talking about the future of their beloved golf course. Milking of the club resources and the slow building of residental houses around the golf club has tarnished the club’s reputation. I can’t believe it took so long for people to realize that they needed change at the golf course. Some people actually think that this change is a bad thing, but now it is time to start fresh. This next year will be the main factor if Fernie Golf & Country Club will rebound or not.

      Three Steps to success:

      1.Develop a strong junior program in Fernie. Juniors are your future to your club success. So many youth have wanted to “join” or play at the club, but feel that they are not welcome there. (check the junior membership numbers, over the last 20 years.)

      2. The Clubhouse has great features! Utilize them! They key success to making profits at the clubhouse is actually so simple. The food is quite good there, it is affordable, and has a great atmosphere. Name the clubhouse! The average person wouldn’t go eat at a “clubhouse” because it sounds too exclusive. Name it and watch the profits roll in.

      3. Conduct business in a more professional manner. Make anyone and everyone feel welcome at the club. So many times I have heard people leaving the club saying that someone’s a jerk or somebody didn’t treat them very good. This starts at the pro-shop and should trickle down to the members. Make people feel welcome and success will follow.

      *A golf course, a clubhouse, and a driving range is nothing without people that treat others with curiousity and respect.*

    • #15761

      I voted for clubhouse, because I don’t know what a ‘restaraunt’ is. If you mean restaurant, then yes, I’d rather go there, but personally I feel that if the spelling is bad, the food is likely to be comparable so I won’t even attempt it.

      And curiosity killed the cat, not the golf course. Courtesy on the other hand, is always an asset.

    • #15762

      Thanks to seasonsgreetings I will never spell the word restaurant like restaraunt again. Sorry I didn’t spell check my post. Next time you reply to someone’s post, why don’t you focus on the topic at hand, rather than staying up all night thinking of a so called “witty” put down.

      Embarassing, try harder next time.

    • #15763

      I got married at the fernie golf course, and we thought it was great! I think that is another great way to promote the golf course. There are not alot of places to get married in Fernie,(especially affordable ones) and I investigated almost all of them. We loved the golf course, the views, the food, everything was great! The price was very reasonable as well!
      Now as far as clubhouse versus restaurant, I think some people think that when it is called a clubhouse, then only members can go, they don’t realize that it is open to the public! So I vote restaurant.
      (hope i spelled everything right)

    • #15764

      FART NOISE!!!

    • #15765

      I think I read a similar post not too many moons ago. (RE: Teed off at the golf course).

      Maybe just to make pessimist “Whathasferniebecome” happy, they should re-name the restaurant, “The Clubhouse Restaraunt”

      I think they would really have to work on perfecting the triple toast, turkey, bacon, lettuce, tomato and cheese sandwich in order to keep the score par with the rest of the towns restaurants.

      I like the idea of improving recreational places, yet Change takes time, and people adapt a lot better when the change is a gradual one.

      As far as people claiming to have had a bad time or poor service, so far all I have seen posted is hearsay.

      Also Aren’t the plans under way to create another golf course in the Coal creek area? 8)

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