Park Place Lodge

In need of long term rental

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    • #12381

      To whom it may concern,

      I am moving to the area to start work in the new year and am in desperate need of a place to live. I will be working out of sparwood but would prefer to live in Fernie. I will be working fulltime and require a 1 bedroom or 2 bedroom suite (unfurnished) to fit all my stuff in. I would like to secure something for a long term agreement and have references available if needed. I am a 26 yr old male, clean and quiet with no pets. I have obtained a temporary place to live but would like to have my own space and due to the late posting of this ad would be interested in moving in starting Feb 1. Other than some Canucks hockey game gatherings I am not big on partying and have no interest in drugs. I do enjoy the occasional cigar outside but will respect any non-smoking conditions you may have. I plan on working lots and just need a place to call home, I understand there is a surplus of people looking for accomodation during the winter season in Fernie but I am polite and responsible, pay rent on time and would be a great person to have renting your suite. If you are interested in securing a long term renter beyond the winter season and would like to talk further about anything please contact me by email: or by phone: (250) 550 4908. I am in the okanagan right now but will be in the area on the 29th to stay for good and start work on the 3rd. Thank you, and Merry Christmas.

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