Park Place Lodge

Horse poo on Maiden Lake trail

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    • #7119

      hi, like many Fernie dog owners I regularly walk around Maiden Lake. If my dog poos on the trail, I pick it up, or if I don’t have a bag I will at least flick it into the bushes where no one walks. I rarely have to do either as my dog normally goes into never never land miles away from the trail to do his business…lucky! Anyway, recently I have noticed a fair amount of horse poo on the trail, and just yesterday a massive pile right in the middle of the trail, it was so big I had to step around it.
      I think that if people are going to ride their horses on the trails around town, they should pick up their poo or at least remove it from the trail where everyone walks. It is expected for dog owners to do so, why not horse owners?
      what do you think?

    • #15427

      Lie down on it and make some poo angels!!!!!

    • #15428

      thats kinda shitty

    • #15429

      Ha hahahaha!!!! Shitty!

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