Park Place Lodge

HEaven’s Gate

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    • #6404


    • #14752

      I believe that Heiko Socher (local legend and founder of Fernie Snow Valley for anyone reading this not from Fernie) is involved in trying to put together a proposal for some type of community style ski hill. The proposed location is in the coal creek area/morrisey ridge. The plan involves runs, cross-country trails, lifts and a gondola that would be available year round for sightseeing trips (food/cafeteria location???). No idea when any of this is going to happen or even if it is still on the books or has any funding behind it.
      A presentation was made at city council some time ago, so more detailed/accurate info is probably available there –
      All power to him, this could make a huge difference locally.

    • #14753

      Heavens Gate, was the woreship group back in 96 I beleive.
      A group of people around twenty or so drank barbesol – (The stuff barbers use to disinfect their combs.) Sadly. The heavens Gate cult died after drinking the barbesol, but they all thought that they were on their way to live on a spaceship. hidden in the sky near California.

      Thats about all I know. LOL.
      Happy halloween.
      Remember folks – Sugar is the gateway substance. 8) :lol:

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