Getting jobs during the season

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    • #5448

      Hi guys

      I was wondering how hard it is normally to get a job with the lift company midway through the season at Fernie – I am at Whistler at the moment, but I’d like to move to Fernie mid season to get to a cruisier snow town.
      I have experience as a lifty, and’ll have my level 1 snowboarding cert. by the time I move.

    • #13324

      Depends what you mean by “midway”.
      Usually the resort hires more people than they need and do some shuffling January-ish.
      There’s no guarantee that you’ll get hired as a liftee but there will likely be an opening for dishwasher, other service, etc somewhere in town.
      Good luck!

    • #13325

      If by lift company you mean Fernie Alpine Resort. And if you mean a job as a lifty. And if by midway you mean like Febuary. Then the chances of becoming a lifty midway are good. The turn over rate for lifties last year was over 55%. Most get fired but a few quit or get promoted. So in about Febuary they are usually looking for people but they usually call the people that applied but didn’t get the job in December.You know …their “second choice” It wouldn’t hurt to put the buzz in the Lift Supervisors ear now.

    • #13326

      what are the chances of getting work around the start of december??

      i don’t care what i do and it doesn’t have to be with FAR, although the free lift ticket is a nice incentive to try and get a job with them!


    • #13327


    • #13328

      Thanks guys, that helps. If the job isn’t with the mountain, though, is it likley to involve a lift pass, or at least a discount on it?

    • #13329


    • #13330

      Seeing that you are from Whistler i guess you’re thinking of an Ambassador pass or whatever they’re calling it these days; there’s no such thing in Fernie unfortunately. Lizard Creek Lodge gave their employees a mid-week pass once upon a time, but i don’t believe they do anymore. You could definitely inquire.

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