Fun/Chill Winter Renter

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    • #9774

      Crew of 19-21 year old chill local boys, seeking their 6th instalement to occupy basement room suite within 6 room house, until end of March. Looking for low maitnence, fun, enjoyable roommate. Personal bath., and kitchen. Washer/dryer downstairs. Large living quarters upstairs, large back deck and back yard. (we have a house cat so being allergic won’t fit the bill). $500per month not incl. utilities.
      any further questions call:
      Drew.. 250 430 2445
      Tyler.. 250 430 2534

    • #17588

      hey my name is jesse. I’m 20. I have worked in the ski repair shop at the resort for a couple years. I think i might know you but im not sure… anyhow i am interested in the basement room in your house. however i am in ontario right now so i cant come and look right away. could you send me some pics? I will be in fernie around october 20th so i could come and look at it then. I could talk to you on the phone too i guess. when is a good time to call?

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